John Hopping's Article in Legal

1381 How Long Does it Take to Get Social Security Disability?
It can take up to 2 years to get the final answer on your Social Security Disability (SSD) application. Ugh! We understand that a 2-year wait is more than frustrating; so, we’ll use this article to both explain the process and let you know what you can do, to speed things along.
Posted on May-11-2013

1081 7 Social Security Disability Terms You Need to Know
If you are ill or injured and unable to work, you may be eligible to receive Social Security Disability payments and medical insurance.
Posted on Apr-03-2013

989 Social Security Disability Basics
Social Security Disability Benefits help to replace lost wages for when you are too injured or sick to work. In this article, we are answering the questions we frequently hear from our clients. If you have additional questions or concerns about your individual Social Security Disability (SSD) Benefits, be sure to consult with a qualified Texas Social Security Disability Attorney.
Posted on Jan-23-2013