Jason White's Article in Reference and Education

747 Boost your career with an Advertising Media Management Program
This article outlines, in the list form, the benefits advertising professionals may avail by going back to the college and attending an advanced advertising media management program. Area of focus includes enhancing employability by gaining new skills and upgrading knowledge.
Posted on Oct-17-2014

774 International Business Management Program - Leap your Career Ahead
This article outlines the key competencies that a professional needs to possess to work in the field of international business. The author also discusses the areas in which graduates can build careers.
Posted on Oct-17-2014

743 College Education is All About Studying What Interests You
This article outlines, in the list form, the benefits an international business diploma can offer students. The focus is on encouraging high school grads to choose their field of study on their own and building careers in an area of international business that best suits their interests.
Posted on Oct-16-2014

814 Career Prospects after Studying for Hospitality Degree
The article describes as hospitality degree can been a boon to those aspirants who wish to reach to their desired position in hospitality industry and later on learning through various experiences while stepping ahead in the career path.
Posted on Oct-16-2014

924 An overview of Culture & Heritage Site Management Degree
The article describes about how an individual can get in-depth knowledge as how to do Culture and Heritage site management while learning the techniques of doing it through an educational program.
Posted on Oct-16-2014

797 Career Options after studying for Police Foundation Program
The article describes about the subjects that the students study in police foundation course in Canadian Colleges and then which positions they can opt for to protect society from ill activities and make society a better place to live in.
Posted on Oct-16-2014

831 Breaking into Journalism - A Personal Tale
This article outlines, in a testimonial format, the advantages of continuing education in shaping careers. The author encourages college graduates and professionals to consider advanced studies to break into journalism or move up on their career ladder.
Posted on Oct-15-2014

732 Current Scenario in Interactive Media Sector
This article outlines the ever-changing scenario of interactive media industry. The focus is on encouraging graduates and professionals to advance their skills and knowledge for better work opportunities. One of the ways to do this is going back to the college and continuing education.
Posted on Oct-15-2014

738 What It Takes to Build a Career in Financial Industry ?
This article discusses, in the list form, the education, licenses and top skills required to work in financial services sector. The goal of the article is to give graduates or professionals returning to college a closer look at what they need to acquire to become employable.
Posted on Oct-15-2014

701 Specializing in Payroll - It's Never Too Late to Go Back to College
This article uses the testimonial format to encourage working professionals to dispel the stigmas attached to going back to college to upgrade their skills. It outlines the importance of making a decision to attend an advanced program to enhance employability.
Posted on Oct-14-2014

695 Reasons for Working in Financial Services Sector
This article outlines, in the list form, the reasons for or advantages of working in financial services sector. The author aims to encourage professionals who are looking for a career change and students who want to continue education in this field.
Posted on Oct-14-2014

739 General Arts and Science Program - A New Direction for High School Grads
This article uses a philosophical tone, imploring high school grads ready to enter college on strengthening their arts and science fundamentals and exploring their specific interests, rather than randomly choosing a course and focusing on obtaining a college diploma.
Posted on Oct-13-2014

735 Broaden Your Studies in College with Additional Competencies
This article encourages the students of business administration programs to broaden their horizons and deepen their academic command of business concepts and practices, by acquiring additional skills and competencies. The author talks about how additional skills help business grads build sustainable careers in ever-changing business environment.
Posted on Oct-13-2014

770 Choosing a Major - Charting a Career Path
This article uses the testimonial format to encourage students to carry out in-depth self-assessment, in order to select the right major in college and chart an ideal career path. The author gives some tips that high school grads can use to find out their specific interests and career ambitions and wisely select their major, through the personal experience of a college graduate.
Posted on Oct-13-2014

696 Financial Planning Program - First Step to become a Finance Professional
The article briefs about how various exams are required for an individual to take up for being a Financial Planner and how he/she can be availed to get Certificate for the same.
Posted on Oct-13-2014

726 5 Tips for Choosing the Right School of Business - A Personal Tale
This article outlines, in the list form, what goes into selecting the right school of business. The author establishes the importance of conducting a thorough personal research before committing to any college, through the personal experience of a college graduate.
Posted on Oct-10-2014