Jack Tralston's Article in Home Improvement

486 Keep Summer Cool With Trane Air Conditioners
When sitting outside in the shade with a cool glass of lemonade still cannot stop sweat from running down, it is painfully clear. Summer is here.
Posted on Oct-15-2011

456 The Ins And Outs Of Trane Air Conditioners And How They Operate So Efficiently
Reuben Trane, who was the founder of the Trane group - a multi-national company - launched their first air conditioner in 1931. Trane air conditioners are of good quality and energy efficient.
Posted on Oct-14-2011

726 Guide To Choosing: Trane Air Conditioners
Among the many choices of air conditioning units avail, Trane air conditioners have a solid reputation. Most conditioning units are one of two types. They either regulate heat through evaporation or through refrigeration.
Posted on Oct-13-2011