Health4life's Article in Alternative Medicine
Aging And HGH
Human Growth Hormones have become popular because of its effective benefits to people. A lot has started to use them because they are hoping to look younger.
Posted on May-05-2011
Steady progress in Hgh techniques
A research was completed with 16 men and women to see to it that of targeted liposomal delivery of Hgh secretagogues would elevate the levels of Igf-1 in a 30-day phase
Posted on Apr-07-2010
Human Growth Hormone largest clinical study
nothing on the planet had been shown to reverse aging until Rudman showed that it could
Posted on Mar-31-2010
The story of growth hormone
These are unprecedented, potentially historic, studies because they are not looking at the effects of aging in fruit flies, worms, fish, mice, and rats, but are examining actual interventions in elderly men and women
Posted on Mar-26-2010
What is Hgh really?
In an adult it is probably the most powerful ant-aging molecule in the body causing the cells of the body to regenerate, repair, and replicate themselves. We will talk about the profound effect HGH has on the body later on
Posted on Feb-22-2010