Dinesh Kumar's Article in Leadership

1357 Respect Age & Merit if thy truly seek Knowledge (learning).
The age in light of a human being means the duration he/she has gathered experience of ones conduct upon this planet. Each day we spent here secures us an experience as a result… though to some the time does not bring much ‘new’ despite living through a considerable period of time; yet each one can recall ones own experience.
Posted on Aug-06-2011

1341 Acid in me must play its force otherwise resolution are lost to antacids
Acid in me must play its force otherwise resolution are lost to antacids
Posted on Jul-24-2011

1318 Ideas are with many but seldom bear tenacity to cherish them from desire2will
Ideas are with many but seldom bear tenacity to cherish them from desire2will
Posted on Jul-22-2011