Deepika Bansal's Article in Careers

563 Going for an Interview.Read on
India is developing at a rapid speed financially as its economy bears the thrashes of slowdown with tenacity.
Posted on Oct-26-2010

414 Create a Balance between Work and Personal Life
Jobs in India or in every country for that matter take more than 80 percent of your productive time, leaving almost nothing for yourself or family.
Posted on Oct-20-2010

478 Senior Management Jobs are Truly Rewarding
The human resource in any organization holds paramount significance since it is they who help in getting business.
Posted on Oct-19-2010

482 Importance of Soft Skills in a Job
Soft skills are the traits, which highlights the true personality of a human being. It is imperative for the growth of an employee to have well nourished set of soft skills
Posted on Sep-10-2010

721 Changing Lifestyles: Create a Balance between Work and Personal Life
Jobs in India or in every country for that matter take more than 80 percent of your productive time, leaving almost nothing for yourself or family. India is on a developmental path with the whole economy recovering swiftly from recession after proving its mettle during the tough times.
Posted on Jul-30-2010