David Crow's Article in Health and Fitness

319 Can smokeless cigarettes help quit smoking?
Even after the community became aware of the dangers associated with smoking a long time ago, they have persisted on continuing with the habit. There has been an increasingly high rate of cigarette manufacturing Companies worldwide. Most of the cigarette addicts have opted to take the gum as an alternative of quitting the nicotine content found in the cigarettes.
Posted on Nov-14-2011

239 Are electronic cigarettes good or bad?
The good news for cigarette smokers is the availability of a cigarette type that does not produce smoke. This type is known as the electronic cigarette sometimes referred to as e-cigarette or smokeless cigarettes.
Posted on Nov-12-2011

1222 Are Electronic Cigarettes Any Better?
An electronic cigarette often known as the e-cigarette or smokeless cigarette is a small device designed to appear as the normal traditional cigarette. Inside the e-cigarette there is a rechargeable battery, an atomizer (the heating element) and an e-liquid (a small nicotine liquid reservoir).
Posted on Nov-10-2011

563 Advantages of electronic cigarettes
Smoking has been found to be very addictive and thus consumers who have been trying to quit have encountered many difficulties in accomplish their wish.
Posted on Nov-08-2011

231 A Healthier Way of Smoking: Electronic Cigarettes
Smoking, once ingrained in your system, is like a slowly developing disease that kills you from the inside.
Posted on Nov-07-2011

251 A Better Option For Smokers: Electronic Cigarettes
The caption “cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health” is a widely publicized warning against the dangers of smoking. One may even see several gruesome pictures of smoking- related diseases labeled on every pack.
Posted on Nov-03-2011