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David Crow has 6 Published Articles

United States of America,

A Better Option For Smokers: Electronic Cigarettes

Posted On : Nov-03-2011 | seen (250) times | Article Word Count : 528 |

The caption “cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health” is a widely publicized warning against the dangers of smoking. One may even see several gruesome pictures of smoking- related diseases labeled on every pack.
The caption “cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health” is a widely publicized warning against the dangers of smoking. One may even see several gruesome pictures of smoking- related diseases labeled on every pack. Anti-smoking groups feel some sense of victory when their lobbying for stricter regulations on cigarette manufacturing that has caused the imposition of additional “sin” taxes. However, all these efforts seem to decrease the enthusiasm or even dampen the spirit of lighting additional cigarette sticks in public, which, sadly, includes the young and adults alike.

Medical health records show that there is still an increasing number of cigarette smoking population, resulting in around a half million deaths annually. Smoking addiction is really a grave menace to our society, to families and to individual citizenry. On the average, a smoking wage earner spends 15% of his salary on cigarettes and will be spending most of their earnings on possible health complications in the future, while the young population, on the belief that they boost their machismo image thru smoking, gambles their meager allowance on cigarette smoking. Truly, there should be something done to address this senseless loss of lives and property before it’s too late.

Health advices including psychological counseling, yoga exercises, meditation and family values -formation have been tried by some advocacy groups. While it causes awareness and puts a positive figure on the minds of smokers, they simply cannot resist the temptation of this nicotine addiction. It is in this light, that medical experts have invented a device that will greatly reduce the ill effects of cigarette smoking. They called it electronic cigarette or simply e-cigarette.

An electronic cigarette is an electrical device formulated simply to simulate the act of tobacco smoking. While it provides the smoker the same physical sensation, the same appearance and the same flavor as traditional smoking does, it greatly reduces the harmful bacteria that enter your system, thus preventing the health complications being acquired by ordinary smokers. Economically, e-cigarette costs only $3-4 per pack as against the normal cigarette which you pay for $8 or more per pack.

Passive smoking will be a thing of the past with this e-cigarette. People who are exposed to the smoke generated by e-cigarettes need not worry against second hand smoke, since there is no actual smoke being belched out, but only a mist directly inhaled by the smoker itself. In addition, of course, environmental activists have reasons to be happy for this innovation, since it does not contribute to pollutants into the air.

Since cigarette smoking is a worrisome habit, and that smoker’s admission that such a habit seems impossible for them to discard, it is but timely such electronic cigarette should be tested and tried. Who knows, that after a dozen times of trying to quit smoking but failed, there is this alternative that will not only lessen your expenses but will greatly diminish the ill effects of traditional cigarette attributes in your body ,thus, improving the quality of your life, the joy of your family and that of your community.

Article Source : Better Option For Smokers: Electronic Cigarettes_99554.aspx

Author Resource :
Smokeless Cigarettes use a water vapor infused with nicotine so that users inhale a vapor mist instead of harmful cigarette smoke into their lungs. Electronic cigarettes are quickly becoming the most popular method for people all over the world to end their addiction to harmful cigarettes. To learn more about electronic cigarettes please visit our homepage at:

Keywords : Smokeless Cigarettes, Electronic Cigarettes,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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