Dave Sabri's Article in Home Improvement

1498 Different Types of Gas and Electricity Deals
There are many gas and electricity providers available. Which ones are available to you will depend on where you live and the type of meter you have. Here are the main types of gas and electricity options you will find available.
Posted on Jun-20-2009

1985 Energy Saving Devices
Start small; energy saving light bulbs use up to 80% less electricity than standard bulbs and because they last 10 times longer, they will save you anything from £3-£6 per year, so around £45 over the lifetime of the bulb.
Posted on Jun-19-2009

1077 Ways to lower your bills
We all want to cut back on our monthly outgoings and now more than ever we need to make our pay check go as far as possible.
Posted on Jun-19-2009

1344 Summer offers to help you "go green"
This summer British Gas is helping you to go green.
Posted on Jun-19-2009

1686 Reduce your household waste
We moan about the government not doing enough to tackle climate change, but we as individuals contribute around 40% to the UKs total greenhouse gas emissions, so if we make some small changes around the home and to how we travel, we can reduce our carbon footprint along with our energy bills.
Posted on Jun-19-2009

1653 Cut your emissions
Copenhagen will host the UN Conference on Climate Change in December this year.
Posted on Jun-19-2009

1299 Practical ways to reduce your carbon print
Small changes can have a big impact.
Posted on Jun-19-2009

2239 Going Green
It has never been easier to go green.
Posted on Jun-19-2009

2273 Go Green and Save
The economic climate being the way it is at the moment means we are looking at how we can cut back and save money in every area of our lives.
Posted on Jun-19-2009

1689 Energy Efficient Boilers
Central heating isn’t exactly an inspiring conversation choice.
Posted on Jun-19-2009

2257 Eco friendly tips
Are you looking for ways to become more eco-friendly but, other than buying energy saving light bulbs and recycling your newspapers, you’re struggling to really reduce your carbon footprint? It seems you’re not alone.
Posted on Jun-19-2009