Creditcardassist's Article in Credit
When Do Balance Transfers Pay Off?
A balance transfer involves transferring one credit card or loan debt to another credit card or loan balance. Many credit card companies are using balance transfers to get new clients by offering extremely low annual percentage rates (APRs) for new clients to transfer credit card debt.
Posted on Aug-03-2011
What is the Punishment for Identity Theft?
Criminals who steal other people’s credit card information and use it to make money spend a LOT of time in jail. They deserve the punishment that’s handed out to them because what they do really can ruin someone’s life.
Posted on Aug-03-2011
Is Your Personal Credit Card Information Safe?
It is always wise to keep up to date on your Internet usage and protect the information you choose to share online. Criminals have really refined their ways to get you into coughing up the right information and in many cases, consumers had no clue they had been had.
Posted on Aug-03-2011
Best Credit Cards for Gas Savings
There’s little doubt that gas prices will still be a big consideration in most household budgets in 2012, and alternate transportation isn’t always an option, so we all want to do what we can to cut spending on gas. Credit cards are the best way for gas savings.
Posted on Aug-03-2011
High Security Credit Cards: What You Need to Know
The 1.7 billion credit cards we use in the US have magnetic stripe technology, which is relatively easy to clone, allowing thieves to commit credit card fraud. But the newer “chip and PIN” cards, also known as EMV cards, are far more secure.
Posted on Aug-03-2011
How to Make Sure You're Getting Your Real Credit Score
The television commercials tell us it's important to know our credit score in a number of situations: when buying a car, when buying a home, when making any large purchase.
Posted on Aug-03-2011
How to Save More at Your Favorite Discount Retail Stores
These are just a few ways that you can save even more at your favorite discount retail stores. Local discount retail store have everything you need, and at a reasonable price.
Posted on Aug-03-2011
Top 5 Things to Do if Your Credit Card Security is Breached
We have described the top five things that you should do immediately after learning that your credit card security has been breached.
Posted on Aug-03-2011
Cash or Credit? How to Decide the Best Way to Pay
If you have both cash and a credit card (or more) on-hand, how exactly do you decide which to pay with?
Posted on Aug-03-2011
Best Credit Cards to Build Credit
Here are four credit cards that can help you to get rid of those villains, or start a great story, and build out a history so you can get to happily ever after.
Posted on Aug-03-2011