Colin Sutton's Article in Health and Fitness

1346 Save Money on Natural Pain Relief with Online Tens Machine Hire
There has never been a better time to try natural pain relief methods. You can get tens machine hire online and this is a great option for those on a tight budget.
Posted on Jun-28-2012

1307 Pelvic Floor Exercises Getting Fit for Your Pregnancy
Pelvic floor exercises for pregnancy can be a beneficial part of your overall fitness regime. These exercises become particularly important if you are pregnant and preparing for the birth of your child.
Posted on Jun-28-2012

1330 How You Could Benefit from a Portable Tens Machine
If you are not familiar with tens machine devices then you should read on. These practical home health products are recommended by health care professionals all over the world.
Posted on Jun-27-2012

1377 That Dreaded Time of the Month How to Ease Your Period Pain
Ladies, you know what I’m talking about; that horrible time of month when you feel bloated, cranky, emotional, head-achy and you suffer from period cramps.
Posted on May-29-2012

1358 Tips for Doing Pelvic Floor Exercises
How often do you do pelvic floor exercises? Giving birth, getting older, being overweight and having surgery such as a caesarean section can cause the muscles in your pelvic floor to be weakened.
Posted on May-29-2012

864 Tips for Pain Relief in Labour
Having a baby is a beautiful and magical thing; however the physical pain of labour can be a lot to overcome.
Posted on May-29-2012

1264 Alternative Treatments for Pain with Tens Machine Devices
You should consider alternative treatments when it comes to relieving pain. In many cases natural pain relief treatments such as tens machine devices could be far more beneficial to overall health.
Posted on Mar-26-2012

1239 Ease Bladder Problems with Pelvic Floor Exercises
Pelvic floor exercises can be a practical way to keep your internal muscles toned and strong. There are many muscles deep in the body that perform important functions.
Posted on Mar-25-2012

900 Easy Access to Pain Relief with Tens Machine Hire
You may have considered more natural pain relief options but don’t know where to start. A good option for those new to natural pain relief is tens machine hire.
Posted on Mar-25-2012

894 You Can Save Money on Nebulizers by Shopping Online Now
Although metered dose inhalers are now recommended for asthma, other respiratory conditions can still benefit from the unique treatment offered by traditional nebulizers.
Posted on Mar-14-2012

835 Pelvic Floor Exercises Essential Fitness Tips for a Healthy Life
There are a number of areas of fitness that you cannot afford to ignore. Although you may be aware you should do cardio-exercise regularly do you know just how important pelvic floor exercises are too?
Posted on Mar-14-2012

933 Drug Free Pain Relief for Childbirth with Tens Machine Hire
Drugs can provide effective pain relief during childbirth. However many women are now looking for more natural ways in which they can deal with pain during labour.
Posted on Mar-14-2012

883 Advice for Buying and Using a Tens Machine at Home
A tens machine could provide you with a practical way to reduce the need for pain relief drugs in your life. Tens machines can provide relief from pain in a number of different circumstances.
Posted on Mar-14-2012

758 Support Your Overall Health with Pelvic Floor Exercises
Too many people overlook the importance of pelvic floor exercises for overall health. These days we tend to live much more sedentary lives.
Posted on Feb-04-2012

652 Tens Machine Hire Helping You Work Towards a Pain-Free Future
Tens machine hire is now widely available. You can even hire these devices online and this offers you a fast and easy path towards effective pain relief.
Posted on Feb-03-2012

702 Nebulizers Key Methods to Help Patients to Breather Easier
Nebulization is a method of treatment that helps to clear blocked airways and improve lung function. Nebulizers can be used both in hospital and domestic environments.
Posted on Feb-03-2012

722 Tens Machine Effective Solutions for Drug-Free Pain Management
These days health experts are keen to help patients move away from a reliance on pain medication. Pain is a fact of life and for many patients this is an issue they will have to overcome on a daily basis.
Posted on Feb-03-2012

772 Tone Up Your Body with Easy Pelvic Floor Exercises
For good all-round fitness you do need to make sure you are targeting all the muscle groups in your body. Too often the internal muscles are overlooked. Pelvic floor exercises can help you to tone those muscles that support your lower abdomen.
Posted on Dec-28-2011

797 3 Reasons Why You Should Opt for Tens Machine Hire for Your Birth Plan
There is no denying the fact that child birth is a painful experience. It can place a lot of stress on the body so you do need to plan your labour carefully in advance.
Posted on Dec-27-2011

721 Nebulizers Still Providing Effective Treatment for Patients Years On
Nebulisers have been around for a number of years now. These devices have changed the face of patient care for respiratory conditions.
Posted on Dec-27-2011

629 Tens Machine – The Natural Way to Combat Chronic Pain
Chronic pain can be very difficult to treat. This can have a serious impact on patients and can dramatically affect their quality of life.
Posted on Dec-27-2011

667 Get Your Body Ready for Pregnancy with Pelvic Floor Exercises
During pregnancy and child birth a lot of strain is put on the pelvic floor muscles. This muscle group is deep in the pelvis and supports the weight of the baby before birth.
Posted on Nov-30-2011

570 Tens Machine Hire Find More Natural Ways for You to Treat Arthritis Pain
Arthritis sufferers have to deal with long-term pain. This is an unpleasant symptom of the condition and can have a significant impact on quality of life.
Posted on Nov-30-2011

562 Nebulizers Revolutions in the Treatment of Respiratory Conditions
Nebulizers have been around for many years now and have become very familiar treatment devices. Many respiratory conditions are treated with nebulisers.
Posted on Nov-30-2011

600 Beat Chronic Pain Now by Investing in a Tens Machine
Patients suffering from chronic pain will understand just how difficult it can be to find effective treatments.
Posted on Nov-25-2011