Christopher Grey's Article in Business
Spanish to English Translation
Both Spanish and English are among the world’s most widely-spoken languages, but surprisingly, non-professional translations often seem awkward, due to the different syntactical structure of the two idioms. For that reason it is essential that the translator and editor of the Spanish translation service be native speakers of English in order to make the final product acceptable to the client.
Posted on May-17-2011
Las Vegas
About 2 million people live in greater Las Vegas Nevada’s largest city. The town proper is home to around 500,000 residents. What makes Las Vegas so noteworthy, however, is that every year between 30,000,000 and 40,000,000 visitors make the trip to stay in one of the city’s 140,000 hotel rooms and play games of chance in the 122 licensed casinos. Visitors come to play on the 116,000 gaming machines or try their luck at one of over 4,300 gaming tables. The economy of Las Vegas, Nevada also receiv
Posted on May-17-2011
Puerto Vallarta
Puerto Vallarta is a Mexican seaside resort on the Pacific Coast, on the northern border of Jalisco State, just south of Nayarit. It first entered common parlance in the United States with the 70’s era TV program “Love Boat,” where “Puerto Vallarta” was the main port of call in Mexico of the storied cruise ship.
Posted on May-17-2011
Portuguese Translation
Portuguese is the seventh most spoken language in the world, according to Ethnologue (16th Edition, 2009), with more than 178 million speakers, mainly in Brazil. It is one of the European Union’s official tongues, as well as of the African Union and the Organization of American States. When Portuguese explorers sailed to distant lands in the 16th and 17th centuries, they established their mother tongue in the orient, Africa and the New World. Today, several countries of Africa use Portuguese as
Posted on May-17-2011
Arabic Translation
According to Ethnologue (16th Edition, 2009), Arabic is the fourth most widely spoken language in the world, after Chinese, English and Spanish, with an estimated 221 million speakers. Most of them live in the Middle East and in North Africa. It is a Semitic language, part of the same family as Hebrew and Ahmaric, the main language of Ethiopia.
Posted on May-17-2011