Christopher Brown's Article in Health and Fitness

1109 Incredible Benefits of Including Cardio Workouts to Your Daily Exercise Regimen
"Should I add cardio workouts to my exercise routine?" It is the question I get asked very often from people coming to my fitness center in Colorado Springs. My answer to them is, yes! Cardio workouts include movements that get your heart rate up and increase blood circulation throughout the body. All cardio exercises, regardless of the form will burn off calories and paves the way to a tremendous fat loss.
Posted on Mar-05-2017

961 What you need to know regarding Dental Implants
Progress in dentistry within the last ten years or so have led towards incredible technological advancements. Dental implants in Murfreesboro, TN turned out to be the most preferred choice to substitute lost teeth and when done in the right surgical method, achievement rates have exceeded 95%.
Posted on Feb-09-2015

2490 How natural male enhancement solutions offer relief from erectile dysfunction?
The pleasure associated with the sexual intercourse is related with appropriate erection of the penis. However, there are several conditions which demand male enhancement support and in fact, these supports are vital in maintaining healthy sexual relations between both partners.
Posted on Feb-25-2014

1102 Thailand is Your Home for Holistic/Anti-Aging Treatments
Since the dawn of time, human beings have had their survival instincts tested. As we’ve evolved, we’ve become more adept at behaving in ways that increase our longevity.
Posted on Aug-07-2013

974 Get Pampered at One of Thailand’s Exquisite Destination Spas
With the profusion of rejuvenating, often luxurious, health spas in Thailand, first-rate pampering has become something a national pastime.
Posted on Aug-07-2013

804 Thailand Crowned King of Global Dental Tourism
Thailand may be the perfect place to treat yourself to a wonderful holiday while simultaneously receiving treatment for whatever happens to ail you.
Posted on Aug-07-2013

869 Treat Your Skin to a Vacation in Thailand
In Thailand, Dermatology is an advanced area of medicine where highly-skilled doctors and surgeons diagnose and treat all types of skin conditions.
Posted on Aug-07-2013

891 Worldwide Accreditations Signal Quality for Thai Hospitals
In addition to being one of the world’s favorite destinations for leisure travel, Thailand now attracts visitors in droves with its high-quality and affordable hospitals and clinics.
Posted on Aug-07-2013

894 Lovers of Wellness Spas Find Heaven in Thailand
Two cultures that appear to be a match made in heaven are those of Thailand and the modern-day wellness industry, where people seek alternative means for achieving the perfect balance of mind, body, and spirit.
Posted on Aug-07-2013

1401 Get in Shape Faster with a Home Gym
Every month many people pay money to gyms and health clubs for use of their equipment and facilities. While some people don’t mind driving to an off-site location to exercise, others prefer the convenience of working out at home.
Posted on Jul-29-2013

1508 Discover Healing Environments Offered by Small Hospitals
Some people think that only the larger hospitals offer the best care. In fact many small hospitals not only offer top healthcare services, they also provide unique healing environments that may eclipse even those found at big hospitals.
Posted on Jul-29-2013

2664 Dentist Visits Beat Home Remedies for Oral Care
Every day people scour the Internet looking for toothache cures, ways to whiten teeth and different remedies to help cure gum disease.
Posted on Jul-29-2013

1013 Community Hospitals’ Specialty Centers Offer Birthing, Cardiology and More Distinctive Services
Many smaller hospitals today offer several specialty centers where patients can receive care for a variety of conditions and diseases.
Posted on Jul-18-2013

1027 Trust the Dentist vs. Home Remedies for Preventing Gum Disease
Many adults have symptoms of some stage of gum disease and the Internet is full of home remedy cures to relieve the symptoms. Ultimately it’s important to treat the cause of gum disease so it doesn’t progress and lead to tooth and bone loss.
Posted on Jul-17-2013

1030 Why Do You Need Fresh Juice every day?
Vegetables and fruits are the revitalizer and cleansers of the body. By consuming these in the form of juice, you are assured to get 100 percent of the available nutrients, particularly minerals.
Posted on Mar-19-2013