Christopher Alex's Article in Health and Fitness

1071 Are Sleep Aids Safe?
When you’re up pacing the floor at 3:00 in the morning, wide awake, sleep aids seem like an excellent idea. You simply take a pill and soon you’ll be fast asleep, right?
Posted on Jun-11-2009

927 A Combination of Natural Therapies is the Best Form of Sleep Aid
We’ve all had nights when we’ve tossed and turned, worrying about our families, our jobs or our finances, wishing we were comfortable taking a sleep aid. But many of us worry that if we do start taking a sleep aid to fall asleep, we’ll become addicted or dependent on pills in order to get a good night’s sleep.
Posted on Jun-11-2009

904 More People Using Natural Sleep Aids
With more people every year turning to natural or alternative treatments, the use of natural sleep aids is on the rise. It’s not surprising since alternative and holistic health practices are quickly becoming part of the mainstream.
Posted on Jun-11-2009

908 Natural Sleep Remedies Offer Plenty of Options
If you have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep at night, there are many natural sleep remedies that can help you get a full night of rest without a prescription. Finding out which one will work for you is best done through trial and error. Try a few different methods and decide which one gives you the best results.
Posted on Jun-11-2009