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A Combination of Natural Therapies is the Best Form of Sleep Aid

Posted On : Jun-11-2009 | seen (911) times | Article Word Count : 648 |

We’ve all had nights when we’ve tossed and turned, worrying about our families, our jobs or our finances, wishing we were comfortable taking a sleep aid. But many of us worry that if we do start taking a sleep aid to fall asleep, we’ll become addicted or dependent on pills in order to get a good night’s sleep.
We’ve all had nights when we’ve tossed and turned, worrying about our families, our jobs or our finances, wishing we were comfortable taking a sleep aid. But many of us worry that if we do start taking a sleep aid to fall asleep, we’ll become addicted or dependent on pills in order to get a good night’s sleep. That would just add one more thing to our list of things to worry about! Fortunately, there are alternative sleep products that use natural ingredients to help you get a restful night’s sleep.

One ingredient that is terrific for promoting sleep is melatonin. Our bodies naturally produce melatonin, and if we promote enough of this substance, we automatically begin to get sleepy around bedtime. Unfortunately, as we get older our bodies sometimes don’t produce enough. The bright lights all around us also inhibit melatonin production, which increases when it is dark.

If you use a sleep aid that promotes melatonin levels in your blood stream, your body will sense that it is time to sleep. You’re essentially “resetting” your own natural sleep rhythm. The best part of all is that since this is something your body makes anyway, it isn’t addictive or dangerous.

Using Herbs as a Sleep Aid

There are a variety of herbs that promote relaxation, stress reduction and sleep. When you use these in combination with melatonin, you can greatly enhance your chances of falling asleep quickly and getting a sound night’s sleep. There are several herbs on the market that help with sleep, but the top three are lemon balm, passion flower and valerian.

Valerian is currently the most commonly used sleep aid in Europe, where it’s been approved for decades as a natural alternative to prescription sleeping pills. It doesn’t give you that groggy feeling in the morning and isn’t at all habit forming, which is why it’s so popular.

Passion Flower helps promote sleep by relaxing the central nervous system. People who use passion flower as a sleep aid report that its calming effect allows them to let go of their worries and helps reduce the little aches and pains you sometimes feel at the end of a busy day. Its effect on the nervous system means you don’t stay keyed up and tense as you begin to prepare for a good night’s sleep.

Lemon balm has been used for thousands of years to promote relaxation and reduce stress. Some herbalists suggest this popular herb to individuals who suffer from anxiety or stress as a way to calm them. In today’s world, stress and anxiety are two of the most common reasons people can’t fall asleep easily – their minds can’t seem to shut down from the day’s activities. Fortunately, lemon balm helps you relax and unwind at the end of the day.

Melatonin and Herbs Work Well Together as a Sleep Aid

If you’re not sure which approach to take, melatonin or herbal treatments, you can look for a product that uses both. If you can find one that combines at least two of the top herbal remedies with melatonin, you’ll have the benefit of a powerful combination approach that rivals or exceeds that of prescription drugs and you won’t suffer the side effects commonly found with prescriptions.

Do some internet research on your own or talk to an alternative medicine practitioner. They will reassure you that the safest, best way to fall asleep quickly is by using a natural, organic sleep aid that combines melatonin, lemon balm, passion flower and valerian. Once you’ve found a product that combines these ingredients in one convenient sleep aid, you’ll be amazed by the restful, rejuvenating sleep you get every night.

Article Source : Combination of Natural Therapies is the Best Form of Sleep Aid_1091.aspx

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About the Author:

The author of this article knows the importance of natural Sleep aid. He also knows all about natural sleep remedies and has provided valuable advice to many people worldwide. He has also written many articles related to organic sleep aid which are handy guides for millions of people in this planet.

Keywords : Sleep aid, organic sleep aid,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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