Cathy Robertson's Article in Arts and Entertainment
Petrol RC Cars are Big Fun and Enjoyment for All Ages
Remote controlled cars are enjoyed not only by children but even by adults as a huge stress relieving and diversion exercise. Until a few years ago, electric radio controlled cars were the most preferred option, since petrol RC cars were quite costly, with basic models costing around $1,500.
Posted on Mar-04-2011
What Exactly Are These Nitro Radio Controlled Cars?
How many of you have heard about nitro radio controlled cars? I am sure that many of you will be great fan of them. These nitro radio controlled cars are more commonly known as nitro RC cars. Most often these nitro radio controlled car is kept under the category of toys or free time hobby. That’s why you may find lots of young ones busy with this nitro RC car.
Posted on Oct-17-2009
Nitro Radio Controlled Cars: It Works At All Stages
Before looking at the pros and cones of these nitro controlled cars, we must first understand what exactly are these cars? Nitro radio controlled cars are really in demand these days than ever. Nitro RC cars can be simply understood as a different category of the cars. These nitro radio controlled cars can be run from the following sources: glow plug engines, internal combustion engines, and a mixture which contains nitro methane, methanol and some other substances also. Hence the car which can
Posted on Oct-16-2009