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Brett Horth's Article in Health and Fitness
Why Switching to Electronic Cigarettes?
Smokeless cigarettes are designed to satisfy both the physiological and psychological effects associated with the act of smoking. They look similar to traditional cigarettes and give the same feel to smokers when they hold it.
Posted on Nov-25-2011
Why Switch to Electronic Cigarettes?
Smokeless cigarettes are designed to satisfy both the physiological and psychological effects associated with the act of smoking.
Posted on Nov-25-2011
Electronic Cigarette – An Improved Alternative to Smoking
Smokers from every part of the world are getting attracted towards electronic cigarettes and E-smoking has gained popularity due to its long lasting positive outcomes.
Posted on Nov-25-2011
Electronic Cigarette – A Improved Option To Smoking
With e-cigs, smoking is no more a connotation of poor health and careless attitude.
Posted on Nov-25-2011
Why to Switch to Electronic Cigarettes?
Electronic Cigarettes should not be misunderstood as a smoking cessation device. Rather, they are a healthier alternative to traditional cigarettes.
Posted on Nov-25-2011
Electronic Cigarette – A Healthier Alternative to Smoking
Smokers from every part of the world are getting attracted towards electronic cigarettes and E-smoking has gained popularity due to its long lasting positive outcomes.
Posted on Nov-25-2011
Electric Cigarette – The New Manifestation Of Cigarettes
An electronic cigarette is an invention which every smoker should be aware of. They are also known as an e- cigarette or electric cigarette and are setting a new precedent worldwide.
Posted on Nov-25-2011
Electric Cigarette – The New Personification of Cigarettes
This new and healthier incarnation of cigarette – the electronic cigarette, a gift of technology is gaining popularity due to the healthier alternative to smoking that they provide.
Posted on Nov-25-2011
Smoking is NOMORE Injurious to Health with Electrical Cigarettes
The dangers of smoking are common knowledge. It’s difficult for many smokers to quit the habit. Many innovative smoking cessation products are available to buy in the market today.
Posted on Nov-25-2011
Electronic Cigarettes – An Advantage to Smokers
Thousands of people stop smoking everyday – by dying. If you are a smoker you would definitely not want to be one of them. Smoking is no doubt injurious to health.
Posted on Oct-29-2011
Electric Cigarette - The Latest Incarnation of Cigarettes
This new and healthier incarnation of cigarette – the electronic cigarette, a gift of technology is gaining popularity due to the healthier alternative to smoking that they provide.
Posted on Oct-11-2011
Smoking is NOMORE Injurious to Health with Electric Cigarettes
The dangers of smoking are common knowledge. It’s difficult for many smokers to quit the habit. Many innovative smoking cessation products are available to buy in the market today. The Electric Cigarette is a different product in the market which is gaining popularity.
Posted on Oct-11-2011
Electric Cigarette – The New Incarnation of Cigarettes
The electronic cigarette is wonderful invention which every smoker should be aware of. They are also known as an e cigarette or an electric cigarette.
Posted on Oct-11-2011