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Smoking is NOMORE Injurious to Health with Electric Cigarettes

Posted On : Oct-11-2011 | seen (343) times | Article Word Count : 423 |

The dangers of smoking are common knowledge. It’s difficult for many smokers to quit the habit. Many innovative smoking cessation products are available to buy in the market today. The Electric Cigarette is a different product in the market which is gaining popularity.
The dangers of smoking are common knowledge. It’s difficult for many smokers to quit the habit. Many innovative smoking cessation products are available to buy in the market today. The Electric Cigarette is a different product in the market which is gaining popularity. They are a much healthier alternative to the traditional cigarette. They don’t contain tobacco, tar and there is no combustion involved. Users inhale a water based vapor containing a small measured amount of nicotine. These electric cigarettes do not contain the 4000+ carcinogens found in regular tobacco smoke which causes harm to the smoker and those in his closest vicinity.

Tobacco-free e cigarettes contain a nicotine cartridge which contains e-liquid. When inhaled, a small battery powered atomizer converts the e-liquid into vapour. When the nicotine is inhaled it gives the user a throat hit similar to traditional cigarettes and a measured dose of nicotine. With some models of e-cigarette, a small LED light at the tip of the e-cig glows orange when the user inhales, to stimulate the look of a real cigarette.

Most of the major brands providing electric cigarettes offer nicotine cartridges of varying strengths. Electric cigarette cartridges are meant for people who want a healthier alternative to traditional smoking. They can start with high nicotine content, and reduce the strength over time, potentially to zero nicotine content.

The major advantage of electronic cigarettes is that they deliver a nicotine ‘hit’ much quicker. E cigarettes are preferred over nicotine patches or gum as the smoker doesn’t miss the act of inhaling smoke from a similar cylindrical object. E cigs are beneficial from an economic point of view as well. The initial investment on the e cig kit may seem to be a bit high but users save money in the long term as the e-cig cartridge is far more economical than traditional cigarettes, in some cases as much as 80% cheaper.

With popular products, there are always manufacturers who will swamp the market with cheap, low quality imitations. The same is the case with the e cig. It is advisable to buy an e cig kit from a reputed e cig company or ECITA member, as electronic cigarettes sold by them go through rigorous testing and compliance to ensure the customer receives the highest quality, and safest product. You can also order an e cig online. Give yourself or a loved one the gift of an electronic cigarette to lead a healthier and safer life.

Article Source : is NOMORE Injurious to Health with Electric Cigarettes_90722.aspx

Author Resource :

The Article is written by Brett Horth, Director and Head of Client SEO Strategy at Evolve Digital Media. He is also associated with offers one of the best electronic cigarettes in UK and all around the world. They have the largest selection of the electronic cigarettes and smokeless cigarettes.

Keywords : electronic cigarette, e cigarettes, electronic e cigarette,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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