Amartyagi's Article in SEO

437 SEO vs. Paid Campaigns
Today, business houses are well aware that online marketing is not only a significant factor in their marketing strategy, but, in reality, is very crucial to the success of their businesses.
Posted on Jan-28-2011

367 Black Hat SEO Techniques to Avoid
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques are broadly classified into two categories: First, those techniques that search engines encourage as division of good design, and secondly the procedures that search engines do not endorse and attempt to curtail.
Posted on Jan-10-2011

414 Affordable SEO Packages that Suits Your Pocket!
In today’s world where life without the internet cannot be imagined, a website for your business has become a must. Customers always check for products on the net before they physically venture out in the market.
Posted on Dec-28-2010

449 What is Search Engine Optimization
On the web, there are so many websites on a given subject that it becomes almost impossible to choose the best. Visitors searching for anything only visit sites that are on the first page and maximum on the second page.
Posted on Dec-23-2010