Allison Kelly's Article in Health and Fitness

138 Synthetic Urine for the Results You Need
Synthetic urine is definitely a strategy that many persons that need to pass a drug test and might fail are using. Today, there are many companies that random drug test and having the proper tools to pass these drug tests is essential. Until now, there really hasn't been anything on the market that could say that it has a 100% success rate, but now there is.
Posted on Dec-09-2011

136 Synthetic Urine Gets the Passing Grade
Whether you are looking for a solution to conceal the marijuana or narcotics you used in the past few weeks during a drug test, synthetic urine is definitely something that you will want to consider.
Posted on Dec-09-2011

253 Quick Fix Synthetic Urine to Pass Drug Tests
It happens. You find yourself in a need for a quick fix for a urine test for whatever reason. Urine tests are something that we definitely do not want to fail, and now there is no reason to. Why? Because there is what is called synthetic urine on the market and it is the solution to pass that urine test, which could have serious negative consequences if your fail.
Posted on Dec-08-2011