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Allison kelly has 3 Published Articles

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Synthetic Urine for the Results You Need

Posted On : Dec-09-2011 | seen (138) times | Article Word Count : 516 |

Synthetic urine is definitely a strategy that many persons that need to pass a drug test and might fail are using. Today, there are many companies that random drug test and having the proper tools to pass these drug tests is essential. Until now, there really hasn't been anything on the market that could say that it has a 100% success rate, but now there is.
Synthetic Urine is definitely a strategy that many persons that need to pass a drug test and might fail are using. Today, there are many companies that random drug test and having the proper tools to pass these drug tests is essential. Until now, there really hasn't been anything on the market that could say that it has a 100% success rate, but now there is.

QUICK FIX is a synthetic urine that persons who are required to take a drug test and might fail are using. Synthetic urine has become so powerful, that even the testing facilities and labs cannot distinguish it from real urine. This is a solution for everyone that is up against a drug test that they might fail, and offers a passing grade. When you fail a drug test, the consequences could mean your employment, and that would be devastating. With QUICK FIX, you don't need to worry, there is no explaining yourself and no questions asked. It is merely a simple online purchase that is handled in the most discreet manner, and privacy is a priority.

How are the drug testing facilities and labs unable to distinguish QUICK FIX synthetic urine from real urine? The answer is simple. The fake urine that is manufactured by the company has all the components of natural urine. This means that the product contains creatinine, ph level and specific gravity which make the testing facilities and labs unable to distinguish it from natural urine. The best part is the product comes with a money back manufacturer's guarantee. However, its success rate to date is 100%, which is astonishing.

To use the fake urine is quite simple. In fact, the kit comes with everything you need, right down to a temperature gauge to ensure that the urine is at the right temperature level and a heating pad, in case for some reason the temperature of the urine drops before you turn it in at the testing facility. To prepare the urine for testing it is quite simple and you simply warm the bottle in the microwave for about ten seconds or until it reached 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Once you have heated your solution of synthetic urine, you will then place the bottle next to a warm part of your body and enter the testing facility. Bring with you're the heating pad that comes with the kit and the temperature strip so that you can ensure that the formula has not dropped below the proper temperature. If it does, simply plug in your heating pad in the bathroom and warm the urine, until it is at the proper temperature.

QUICK FIX provides the reassurance of a successful test, as the product does have a 100% success rate to date. There is no reason to risk your employment or possibly be turned down for that new job when using synthetic urine as a solution to avoid a failed test. Simply walk in with your concealed bottle and heating pad and walk out confident that you will pass the test. It is that simple.

Article Source : Urine for the Results You Need_116788.aspx

Author Resource :
Quick Fix Synthetic Urine is the solution when you may be facing a failed drug test. For more information visit

Keywords : quick fix, fake urine, synthetic urine, quickfix synthetic,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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