Adamm's Article in Health and Fitness
How to Be Tall and Increase Your height Secrets Revealed
Do you want to know how to be tall?
I managed to successfully grow taller by using naturalmethods that I will share with you. I know how important height is - it affects the whole of your life.
Posted on Oct-06-2011
Health: Growth Hormones Dictate Human Height Growth
Growth hormone is a protein hormone of about 190 amino acids that is synthesized and secreted by cells called somatotrophs in the anterior pituitary. It is a major participant in control of several complex physiologic processes, including growth and metabolism.
Posted on Oct-06-2011
It pays to Be Tall and Sucks Being Short
Take a look at Abe Lincoln and what do you see? A picture that says it pays to be tall and sucks being short. But, says neuroscientist David Eagleman, there is one possible, ever-so-slight drawback.Eagleman can imagine situations where tall people experience the world a little later than short people.
Posted on Oct-06-2011
Different Stages of Growth and Development
The events of puberty trigger the transition between childhood and adulthood. During this four to five year period of growth and development, secondary sexual characteristics appear, skeletal growth accelerates then stops and fertility is achieved.
Posted on Oct-06-2011
How Can I Get Taller
The height factor in our society makes everyone feel very conscious. People who are short heighted, do not really show, but actually feel inferior from their tall fellows and are always in the quest of how can they get taller and seek for the methods of rowing taller
Posted on Sep-22-2011
Growth Hormone Deficiency in Children
One of the most vital hormones to live a healthy contented life is the HGH. HGH is an acronym for Human Growth Hormone, sometimes referred to only the Growth Hormone. This growth hormone is a very crucial element of one’s body, as it does not only results in height growth, but also affects some other aspects seriously.
Posted on Sep-22-2011