Joe Cline's Article in Internet Marketing

662 Dealing With Difficult Clients
If you are a business person who works directly with clients, you know all too well that your relationships with your clients can be tricky to manage. Clients who worry that they are not getting their money's worth might be pushy and even hostile.
Posted on May-18-2010

647 Increase Referrals by Exchanging Links With Other Remax Websites
Interested in increasing referrals to your Remax website? It can be difficult to figure out how to help potential customers find your site online, especially when there are a wide variety of sites showing up in searches for real estate that can't even serve people in your area.
Posted on May-17-2010

590 Promote Your Website With A Listing On Another Remax Agent's Website
Are you interested in helping potential clients find your Remax website? Running a website to promote your real estate services can be a great way to increase business, but people need to be able to find you first.
Posted on May-11-2010