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tapsee has 3 Published Articles

United States of America,
san diego,

impacts of fossil fuel based Power generation management

Posted On : Aug-29-2011 | seen (154) times | Article Word Count : 417 |

Ecological concerns about the collision of vestige petroleum based power creation, as well as economic, healthiness, and ecological
Ecological concerns about the collision of vestige petroleum based power creation, as well as economic, healthiness, and ecological questions about production of new communication lines, is creating a famine of electric power generation and restrictive broadcast capacities. These concerns have amplified the attention in electrical power construction from another energy sources, such as wind electric turbine, solar electric panels and fuel cells. In each case, power is generated at or close to the site where it is used, and therefore, extended detachment diffusion lines are not mandatory. In general, the cost of electricity can be different depending on its ease of use and the time of use. Wind and solar energy are two significant non-polluting, renewable possessions with great possible for adaptation to electric energy.

Rapid advances in wind turbine and photo-voltaic technologies have condensed the price of electric energy generated by renewable resources and have produced opportunities for using these technologies as either stand alone or grid connected production sources. Wind and solar power may be used in small-scale applications such as residential, as well as large-scale farms. Both of these energy sources have a major disadvantage compared with predictable resources; they are non-dispatch able wind does not blow and sun does not shine unavoidably when electric energy is required. Wind and solar based energy systems need a support source of energy, either through a correlation to the power association, a backup generator, batteries, or fuel cells. Fuel-cell power generation is a different rising technology; it is based on the conversion of hydrogen energy into electric energy through an electro chemical process, which produces DC electricity, heat, and water.

However, the price of fuel cells has been too high for more common uses. The amplified worldwide understanding of the environmental impacts of fossil fuel based Power generation management is accelerating improvement of the fuel cell technology for sparkling, efficient, and quiet operation in a multiplicity of applications. Computers, electric vehicles, and homes, as well as large scale network connected services, are being powered by fuel cells. They are very striking technologies because they oxidize hydrogen and leave nonpolluting byproducts, such as heat, clean water and, if hydrogen is derived from a fuel, carbon dioxide. Futurists envisage power stations where wind or solar energy are used to generate electric energy, which is then used to electrolyze water and produce hydrogen that could be stored and used by fuel cells to generate electric energy when needed, eliminating the need for additional endorsement sources.

Article Source : of fossil fuel based Power generation management _77691.aspx

Author Resource :
power plant development

Keywords : power plant development,

Category : Business : Business

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