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Posted On : Oct-01-2011 | seen (342) times | Article Word Count : 423 |

Many people consume semillas or what we called as cannabis seeds. The main purpose of consuming cannabis is to get high. There are some medical benefits of cannabis or semilla and those who acquire it sometimes find it difficult to get rid of this drug. If you want the medical benefits of cannabis then you should be one suffering from an illness and first should be diagnosed by the real doctor, and if he thinks cannabis will help you, then he will prescribe or allow you to use this drug. However
Many people consume semillas or what we called as cannabis seeds. The main purpose of consuming cannabis is to get high. There are some medical benefits of cannabis or semilla and those who acquire it sometimes find it difficult to get rid of this drug. If you want the medical benefits of cannabis then you should be one suffering from an illness and first should be diagnosed by the real doctor, and if he thinks cannabis will help you, then he will prescribe or allow you to use this drug. However, this is something that is specific in the state law.
It’s very simple, if you are diagnosed with an illness that requires cannabis then you need to have a prescription from a doctor so that you will have to get your symptoms alleviated. However, you will be in different options about the treatment of your condition and it relies on the state you belong to.
First and foremost, if you like to get rid of such condition then you require having a letter of recommendation from your doctor to a dispensary or grow shop that offers you semillas. Therefore when you visit to such dispensary, they will keep a copy of your letter and you are given semillas or pot for your requirement. In case, if you move out and have to purchase them from another location, you also require having your doctor’s note on this also.
If you want to benefit from cannabis, you require having letter from your doctor along with a health department forms that need to filled in first, and send it your state government. Once done, you will get to receive a special card. With this green card, you can purchase pot from grow shop or dispensary in your country. This is how you can get to purchase cannabis for your medical needs. But sometimes the procedures may differ depending on the state law or state you are living in. But what is essential for you to get the pot is actually have a condition that demands you to use cannabis.
With a green card, you may somewhat think of pot legalizing thing but there is nothing as such. Besides, you get to have only a few ounces of cannabis for your medical needs only. Your letter of recommendation is very much essential if you like to purchase cannabis for your medical needs. You should remember that possession of cannabis for personal use is not allowed by the law of state.

Article Source : shop_87863.aspx

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Get to know more about Semillas right here !

Keywords : Semillas , Semilla,

Category : Home and Family : Gardening

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