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Your aims in your life

Posted On : Nov-10-2011 | seen (213) times | Article Word Count : 428 |

Whatever white, black, yellow, red or green can represent the feeling from the bottom at your mind. Whatever long, short or sexy can show your different taste. So buy the different dresses match your different mood, attitude, and taste.
Today is the last day. I have no idea about what is my feeling now. A little relax mix up a little sad. Almost a half month, so many memories in this half month. I learnt so much than the few years in the past. It is precious for me. I will never forget, one day I will pick it up and share with others. This is the yesterday once more. At this moment, I remember a beautiful poem. Its name is the furthest distance in the world. The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death.But when I stand in front of you, yet you don’t know I love you. The furthest distance in the world is not when I stand in front of you, yet you can’t see my love. But when undoubtedly knowing the love from both, yet can not be together. The furthest distance in the world is not being apart while being in love. But when plainly I can not resist the yearning, yet pretending you have never been in my heart. The furthest distance in the world is not you have never been in my heart, but using one’s indifferent hear to dig an insurmountable river for the one who loves you. How beautiful it is! It is a love story, a love poem. Yet today the importance I want to say is not love but we are not live for love.
A long prom dress is a symbol of work. It is careful. The black is symbol of grandeur. We have other things in this world, not only love. You can buy a long prom dress and remind of work. Actually black long prom dress is not only the symbol of work but something you have to concentrate on. We have family, friends, work or other things we interested in. We can remove our concentration. We have right to have a various life. The life without anything but love is humdrum. Buying a long prom dress and do not forget the aims in our life. Do not waste of the time.
Whatever sexy party dress or long prom dress is representation the attitude to your life now. You can try your best and ask you heart which one you want to or which one you are fit for. Whatever white, black, yellow, red or green can represent the feeling from the bottom at your mind. Whatever long, short or sexy can show your different taste. So buy the different dresses match your different mood, attitude, and taste.

Article Source : aims in your life_102018.aspx

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