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WordPress Integration: Make It More Accurate with PSD to WordPress Conversion

Posted On : Oct-25-2011 | seen (424) times | Article Word Count : 521 |

WordPress integration is the process in which the theme of the website is configured with wordpress CMS.
WordPress integration is the process in which the theme of the website is configured with wordpress CMS. This integration decides the final appearance and functionality of your website. WordPress themes are usually designed using software like Photoshop and upon their conversion to HTML/XHTML and CSS they need to be integrated into this platform. In fact PSD to WordPress conversion is one of the most used techniques in the web development world. It helps you achieve exact replica of the design matching to the last pixel.

PSD to WordPress conversion allows you to have highly customized website and manage it with the most powerful content management systems in the world i.e. WordPress. It is used by small businesses as well as some Fortune 500 companies. A user doesn’t need to have prior knowledge of coding to manage a wordpress website as it is done through a web based interface. In short PSD to WordPress theme conversion is the ultimate solution for creating rich website by means of integration and customization of a custom WordPress.

Tips for WordPress Integration

* The slicing of the PSD file needs to be done flawlessly. If you make an error in selection and putting sections into different layers it is highly unlikely that you will achieve an accurate website upon your PSD to WordPress conversion. The main idea behind slicing is to break down the different sections of the website such as Body, header, Footer etc. as each of this need to be coded separately for their own set of functionality.
* The PSD to HTML/XHTML coding should be done with utmost care. Don’t commit the mistake of using auto generated codes as this will hurt the performance of your website in the search engine results pages, instead go for hand coding which is the standard practice among all professional web development firms. Use semantic coding technique as every element of your website will be defined for the search engine crawlers to easily identify and you will be rewarded with higher ranks on the search engines.
* Another important element in achieving accuracy in PSD to WordPress theme conversion is the Cascading Style Sheet. If you get the CSS file wrong your website may not match the design of your PSD file. The CSS file lends uniformity to your website separating the content from the design element. No matter how large the text content or image you use, the appearance of your pages will be uniform. You can also set the attributes of the fonts, images and color scheme in the CSS file.

WordPress integration and customization is not everybody’s cup of tea because it requires specialized knowledge. Thus for your PSD to CSS/WordPress conversion project you need to hire the services of WordPress programmer who is proficient in theme/ template integration and customization. It involves custom module development, cross browser compatibility tests and extension development which need to be handled by expert hands to ensure your website is not a mere literature of your business but a powerful marketing tool.

Article Source : Integration: Make It More Accurate with PSD to WordPress Conversion_96420.aspx

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PixelCrayons offers PSD to WordPress development & customization services along with theme design and integration service. Hire Professional Wordpress Developers at Pixelcrayons.

Keywords : PSD to WordPress, PSD to WordPress theme, wordpress integration,

Category : Internet Business : Web Design

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