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Winning Big with Penny Stocks

Posted On : Aug-23-2010 | seen (638) times | Article Word Count : 528 |

Picking Penny Stocks is not an exact science. In fact it’s far from it. There are so many variables and unknowns, that you may wonder how on earth anyone makes money doing it.
Picking Penny Stocks is not an exact science. In fact it’s far from it. There are so many variables and unknowns, that you may wonder how on earth anyone makes money doing it. But the fact of the matter is, many people every day make a lot of money on the Penny Stock market. While some just get lucky and get out, the lions share have been doing it for years and have become well versed in its intricacies. In this article we’ll explore some of the many ways you can pick a winner. Whether you’re a weekend warrior, or you’re putting your children through college with it, these tips should help you out.

One way to pick a winning Penny Stock is through the recent gains. Some time it all with their breakfast, lunch and dinner times, but however you want to time it, keep an eye on the major exchanges several times during the course of the day. You’ll want to watch those stocks that are under $5.00 and recording the best percentage gains. Then out of those, track them for a few days and see if they start to grow legs. If they do, those are the ones you want to play with. And then, of course, you want to find out what made them perform that way in the first place, and keep that in mind the next time you start watching a new Penny Stock.

Another strategy is so obvious that you’ll wonder why you didn’t think of it yourself. Or maybe you have. Take a close look at the balance sheet of a company that you want to trade Penny Stocks with. Look closely at how many liabilities they have compared with their assets. If it looks like a sinking ship, you might want to think twice before you climb on board. But if they’ve been holding steady, and holding their own, for a considerable amount of time, then people like you purchasing their stocks might just be the push that company needs to start making a healthier profit. Who knows, you just might be helping out the next Wal-Mart.

Now, the next one is more times than not a judgment call on the part of each individual investor. Penny Stock analysts are industry professionals who are trained and highly qualified to watch the various stock exchanges, and then give their opinion on which stocks to be on the lookout for, and which to ignore. Some people will tell you that they simply pretend like they are doing something useful, while other people will put all of their eggs in that one basket. The bottom line though is this; by them simply being there, it gives everyone a level of comfort knowing that there is an extra set of eyes helping to monitor Penny Stocks.

What we’ve gone over here today is just the tip of the iceberg as far as Penny Stock tips are concerned. So while there may be a lot of different methods to use to play the market, as you can see, they are not all that complicated or hard to figure out.

Article Source : Big with Penny Stocks_30355.aspx

Author Resource :
Arnold Roth is the author of this article about penny stock alerts and otc bb stocks and appeals to penny stock investors worldwide.

Keywords : penny stock, penny stock tips, otc bb stocks, stock alert, stock reporter, penny stock alerts, penny stock newsletter daily, ,

Category : Finance : Finance

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