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Why your company's website should have an About Us page

Posted On : Jan-09-2012 | seen (1264) times | Article Word Count : 470 |

Although e-commerce has become mainstream and attracted many customers, people are still wary of the Internet and the anonymity it offers. To get potential customers to trust you, you have to use content such as About Us pages.
Although e-commerce has become mainstream and attracted many customers, people are still wary of the Internet and the ease of anonymity it offers. These days, most anyone can start up his or her own business with a website and an online store. The ability to start a store without any of the overhead that comes with a physical presence is a huge draw - but there are blocks in the way. People aren't so willing to do business online with people they haven't met, and that's why it's your job to show them who you are and to convey yourself as trustworthy. Having good site design is a start, but in order to really get potential customers to trust you, you have to use content. The best place to start is having an About Us page.

About Us pages are not just optional anymore.Visitors expect them, and you should place them in the main navigation where anyone can see them. Some people think that About Us pages aren't necessary - and they might not be for large companies such as Apple or Wal-Mart. However, most businesses are not large corporations, and their potential customers are skeptical. Having an About Us page offers a personal, human touch to the website, which can otherwise seem too distant and detached, unfeeling. You and your employees will have a chance to draw people in and show them the human aspect of the company. That leads us to the next point.

People are curious about who's behind the company. As mentioned before, a company presence by itself seems too large and cold, clinical. When doing business in person, customers are able to see and talk to an actual human being. Although online discussion and text aren't quite the same, offering these things is more assuring than not showing it, which can make people think you have something to hide. Offer a short company biography as well as key team member photos and biographies. It will help build your customers' trust and goodwill towards you and your company.

People want to know more about your company. When visiting a website for the first time, potential customers want to know what your company is about and what you do, what you have to offer. Having an About Us page will satisfy their curiosity as long as you think of the questions you would want to be answered and include information about your company's internal workings. Keep it short and to the point but informative.

Your content is the most important part of the website; it will be the reason people stay and come back or leave the site. Good About Us pages are not that hard to compose, however. With a little thought, you can create the content for it in no time.

Article Source : your company's website should have an About Us page_130982.aspx

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About Infigra E-Commerce:

Infigra E-Commerce is a Charlotte, NC based company that offers software as a solution (SaaS) and enables retailers to increase their sales by offering sophisticated e-commerce management tools. Our mission is to help move inventory by increasing the product visibility on different online global marketplace segments, such as Ebay and Amazon.

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Keywords : e-commerce, eCommerce, content, good website content, about us pages, why about us pages are important, why do you need an ab,

Category : Internet Business : Ecommerce

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