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United States of America,
Via Giulio Petroni, 125,

Why you need to get an autism lawyer

Posted On : Jan-19-2012 | seen (171) times | Article Word Count : 526 |

Parents with autistic children are challenged in a lot of ways. They watch their children closely and attempt to provide for them to the very best of their abilities. At some point, however, they're going to grow old. Parents must hire an autism lawyer to make sure their children are in good hands even after they move on.
Autism Spectrum Disorders or ASD, is a complex developmental condition that's marked by reduced social interaction, communication, and repeated behavior. Some conditions include Asperger Syndrome, Rett Syndrome, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, and Childhood Disintegrative Disorder. People with autism have limited interests that inhibit them from functioning normally at home, school, and in the community.

Signs of this disorder begin to show at three years old. Listed here are signs you must look for to see if your child is autistic:

-If the child does not babble by age one.

- If the child cannot utter a word or phrases by age two.

- Poor social skills. If the child won't smile, avoids eye contact and will not play with other children and ignores them, the child may be autistic.

- A child who has strong focus on a single object for long periods of time.

- If the child doesn't respond to his name.

- If the child has repeated movements such as twirling and rocking.

- If the child engages in self-injurious behavior like head-banging and biting

Today, one in every 110 American children is diagnosed with autism. About 1.5 million people in America live with ASD. Boys are four times more likely to be afflicted by ASD than girls, with an estimate of one out of 70 baby boys being born with ASD in the U.S.

Recent research has found an increased risk of autism in kids whose mothers took specific anti-depressants during their pregnancies. Based on this new study drugs like Celexa, Prozac and Zoloft may trigger autism.

Studies also found a 3-fold risk of getting autism in kids whose mothers took antidepressants during their first trimester. While there is a 2-fold risk of becoming diagnosed in kids whose mothers took the drugs throughout their second or third trimester.

Why must I get an autism lawyer?

Unless parents are well-informed regarding important legal matters like trusts, wills, and inheritance laws, searching for a qualified autism lawyer is the best solution.

Autism lawyers work to represent the families of children diagnosed with ASD. They help parents understand the numerous laws and intricate legal details taken into consideration when parents need to arrange long term-care for their child.

Searching for a good autism lawyer online is a good start. Attorneys who practice family law could be qualified; however, they may not be aware of the specific needs or limitations of a person diagnosed with ASD.

Many autism attorneys will have family members who've got this sort of disorder. Thus, they're well-versed in the ins and outs of the system.

Autism attorneys also have a lot of connections to various counseling services to help parents and family members take care of a child who has ASD. They make sure parents resolve to provide for their child to the best of their abilities.

Talking to a qualified autism attorney could benefit a child with ASD. They make sure the child is financially stable and taken care of even after the parents pass away.

Article Source : you need to get an autism lawyer_136143.aspx

Author Resource :
Adriana Bustos is a lawyer who knows about autism attorney and is seeking a good autism lawyer.

Keywords : autism attorney, autism lawyer,

Category : Business : Business

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