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Why are so many sites still developed with poor Usability?

Posted On : Nov-03-2011 | seen (378) times | Article Word Count : 712 |

Firstly lack of awareness would suggest that User Testing products are expensive and only available to large corporations with Usability budgets devoted to it.
Anyone who has ever been involved with the design and development of a website knows how important good Usability is. Or at least should do. The number services out there converting businesses to the benefits is always growing.

It's not really a surprise though that we see this growth, after all the web has pretty much been plagued by poor Usability since it's creation, in fact many analyst will put the failure of several dot com's in the bust years to poor Usability.

Why though are some websites being designed without taking any Usability feedback into consideration?

The resources are definitely out there, just type in Google anything to do with User Testing and you will see a list of just about any product or service you can think of. Or could it just be that many developers are just not as familiar with Usability principles as much as say analytics?

Any business owner wants their client to be able to achieve there goals when choosing a brand. The mouthpiece of their brand is in their website and if it displays their brand in anything less than what the customer expected they risk a negative image and potential loss of sales.

In my experience the answer lies mostly with a lack or awareness and the implications of time and money that are associated with many of the products out there.

Firstly lack of awareness would suggest that User Testing products are expensive and only available to large corporations with Usability budgets devoted to it. This was true because until recently if you wanted to conduct worthwhile Testing you had to apart with tens of thousands of dollars. Some attributed these high costs due to it being an in demand expertise, really though a Usability evaluation was the luxury of big business.

Next is the time that has to devoted, this impacts both the client and the Usability expert. Many websites that conduct User Testing are large in nature and complex. This combined with market pressure and tight deadlines has led many providers to overlook the full Usability Evaluation in their feedback to the client. This of course leads to a less Usable website.

From the clients perspective unless they employ an in house Usability expert the chances are they will have to direct the Usability Consultancy on many aspects of the test. This can include suggesting and approving questions, vetting testing user participants and presenting the data. We’re talking up to 50 man hours to extract, analyse and present the data.

With the time and money implications in mind it's no wonder that User Testing products seem to lag behind. As I said at the beginning the web has been plagued by User problems since its creation and Usability Testing was developed as a response to this, so it’s not mad to suggest that the basic testing models are always having to play catch up with the always changing world of the web.

To give clients the confidence they need, they need to feel like Usability investment isn’t so big a gamble to make. Most who I speak to seem to want the best of both worlds. The completeness of Usability consultancy done on the budget of some of the more simple DIY products out there. So its no surprise that websites are still being developed without Usability in mind. The potential for priceless insight is being missed as parting with thousands for what are essential people’s opinions, may seem like expensive market research.

Yes there are many budget services out there but the feedback we receives suggests that methods like video testing don't inspire much confidence, let alone make the investment seem worthwhile.

Put simply the huge gap between budget and consultancy needs to be narrowed. The price of consultancy need to head much more towards the price of budget and the quality of the budget product needs to move closer to that of consultancy.

Only once this happens can we bring User Testing to the audience it deserves. So its no longer just the luxury of big business but a must for all those involved in design and development.

Article Source : are so many sites still developed with poor Usability?_99466.aspx

Author Resource :
Frank Holland is an author for Testing User website. He has written articles on user testing and usability testing for good website design.

Keywords : User testing, Usability testing, Testing user, Testing users,

Category : Internet Business : Web Design

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