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Why Should You Use PACS System?

Posted On : Dec-21-2011 | seen (127) times | Article Word Count : 468 |

RIS/PACS solutions have become indispensable in modern clinics and hospitals in order to provide efficient and quality healthcare services to patients around the globe.
The latest boom in medical technology has taken the healthcare sector to next level. The introduction of PACS system in medical offices has become beneficial for both doctors as well as patients. It is one of the most sophisticated techniques used to capture, view, record, store and interpret images of patients including X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, Ultrasound and more. Radio information system and picture archiving and communication system, better known as RIS/PACS technologies, have replaced old method of film-based imaging, which was expensive as well as time-consuming technique. Film based pictured not only required more manual labor, but they also needed more space to store them pictures in hospitals, clinics and other medical organizations.

Today with worldwide use of Tele-radiology PACS solutions, it has become easier for radiologists to provide their services throughout the globe, that too from the comfort of sitting from their homes or offices. Almost all reputed clinics and hospitals use these solutions to reduce the cost of their operations and improve their health care service quality. In fact, PACS systems help doctors, physicians and radiologists to quickly share diagnostic information and prepare medical reports of the concerned patients. The best thing about these systems is that they enable healthcare service providers to offer their services from off-site. It means radiologists can provide their services remotely from anywhere or any location in the world.

Though there are many advantages of using PACS system these days, but the most valuable benefit is that it reduces the need of a film to capture image. It saves both time and money for doctors and enables them to run their medical operations efficiently and affordably. It helps healthcare service providers to quickly access to images and reports of the patients. This is not all; the system eliminates the need of taking film based pictures by helping you take images in digital format. The most important feature of RIS/PACS solutions is that you can perform and share medical tests or exams anywhere throughout the world. You can acquire chronological view of patient’s tests in order to know about their radiology history and then give your feedback.

With constant improvement in the medical technology, there have been many milestones in the industry. Today, advanced PACS system comes with Dictation software that comes with voice recognition feature and thus helps users to record a speech word by word. Medical Transcription software along with PACS also comes with spelling check errors that assists users to transcribe words with correct spelling. If you want to equip your clinic with picture archiving and communication system, just browse through internet and find out reputed companies that provide you such solutions at affordable price. Compare various PACS solutions and select that suits your requirement and the budget.

Article Source : Should You Use PACS System?_122416.aspx

Author Resource :
Author is a professional content writer working at; he has written and published many informative articles on various technologies used in medical world like Transcription Software or Dictation software, Teleradiology, RIS/PACS etc.

Keywords : Dictation Software, RIS Systems, PACS systems,

Category : Computers : Computers

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