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Why LED lighting in the way to go

Posted On : Oct-25-2011 | seen (279) times | Article Word Count : 437 |

LED (light-emitting diode) lights are great energy saving lights, using only a fraction of the energy of normal lamps. They are an increasingly popular replacement for the halogen lights that many people find too costly to run.
There are a whole lot of reasons why the term ‘LED lighting’ has been heard floating around the home design marketplace lately, and it’s more than just the fact that they are the most eco-friendly lighting option available. Long lasting and cost-effective, LED lighting is the way of the future, and should be in the future for your home and workplace.

LED (light-emitting diode) lights are great energy saving lights, using only a fraction of the energy of normal lamps. They are an increasingly popular replacement for the halogen lights that many people find too costly to run. For example, a standard 50 watt low-voltage halogen down light operating for four hours a day will cost around $25 per year to run, and last for approximately two years before needing replacement. By comparison, a 5 watt (and remember, the lower the wattage, the less electricity the light is using!) LED down light operating for 4 hours a day will cost around only $6 per year to run, and will last up to 24 years! And the news gets better – LED lighting produces only a fraction of the radiant heat of a halogen lamp, making your home or business more comfortable to be in.

Not only do LED lights have a longer life than most other lights, but they are more durable too. They have no filaments (fine, thinly spun threads found is most lights) in them which mean they can withstand more vibration and shock than a normal halogen light. LED lighting is also almost always cool to handle and touch due to its low wattage. You can see then why are they are becoming the popular energy saving lights of choice – safe, hard-wearing, and cost-effective, what more could you ask for in lighting your home or business?

However they haven’t been given the label ‘eco-friendly’ just because of their energy efficiency. It is also about the way they are built – LED lighting does not contain any mercury, or even produce any UV rays, and most are made from fully recyclable materials. With more and more people wanting homes that display energy efficiency and that are environmentally friendly, LED lighting are the energy saving lights that you can not only use guilt-free, but that you can know are doing a terrific job too. They are even easy to install – most simply can fit into the space where the previous halogen down light was. So whether you are building a new home or extension, or wanting more energy efficient lights in your existing home, consider LED lighting.

Article Source : LED lighting in the way to go_96471.aspx

Author Resource :
Katinka Kernutt is the Marketing Manager of Neco, one of Australia’s leading providers of solar power, solar panels, water and energy saving products. Neco has a range of LED lights to suit your need and budget, and have a LED money back guarantee. Neco’s website has a LED savings calculator to help you estimate savings.

Keywords : led lighting, energy efficiency, energy saving lights,

Category : Product Reviews : Consumer Electronics

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