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Joshua S Kozak has 1 Published Articles

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Why Do I Have To Eat 5x Per Day?

Posted On : Dec-22-2011 | seen (150) times | Article Word Count : 629 |

Having a hard time losing weight even though you only eat once a day?
Having a hard time losing weight even though you only eat once a day? You’re not alone; most people who only eat one time per day are overweight. You’re body was made to graze throughout the day, not eat one big meal after starving all day. Eating 5x per day is the perfect way to maintain sugars levels throughout the day and lose fat. It can be really difficult for people to retrain their brain to eat that frequently.

You need an easy to use system to eat healthy and lose weight, but not feel starved all day.By managing your sugar levels, we keep you in the fat burning zone all day! I’ll show you how to eat 5x per day and shop around the outside of the grocery store buying fresh and unprocessed foods.

You may be asking yourself, how can I lose weight if I’m eating 5x per day? Losing weight is all about managing your sugar levels and keeping your metabolism in a fat burning state. If your sugar (or insulin) levels are too high, then your body is storing the extra sugar as fat. If you haven’t eaten in hours, then your sugar levels are low and your body is in starvation or famine mode. A famine is a widespread scarcity of food and your body has learned to conserve energy in times of famine. In this mode, your body isn’t burning fat because your body doesn’t know when your next meal is coming!

Our goal is to keep your sugar levels constant throughout the day. By eating every 2-4 hours and eating foods with low glycemic levels (foods that don’t spike your sugar levels) we are able to keep your metabolism in a fat burning state! If you are used to eating only 1 or 2 meals per day, then this is going to be a major adjustment for your body. It may be difficult to eat frequently over the first week as your body adjusts. After the first week you will notice your body will feel more energized, your mind will feel sharper, and you will be losing fat!

There are six meal times in a day including breakfast, snack 1, lunch, snack 2, dinner, and snack 3. You are required to eat all 3 main meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) and any 2 of the 3 snacks. Eat protein at every meal. Only eat carbs at break, lunch, and dinner. Snacks are protein only snack. Eat small portions and try to avoid getting a real full feeling. It does not require calorie or fat counting, but does require you monitor your protein and carbs. Your best protein choices are protein powder or bar, tuna, chicken, yogurt, nuts, cheese, cottage cheese, pork, turkey, deli meats, beans, lean red meats, fish, or legumes. The best low-glycemic carb choices are oats, wheat bread, berries, fibrous and green vegetables, wheat bread, brown rice, and mixed vegetables.

As with all things in life, your level of success depends solely on your level of commitment. If you give 10% percent commitment, then you will get 10% results. If you are disciplined, then you will be extremely successful. You now have the tools and the knowledge, but do you have the willpower and mental strength to achieve your goals? Consider this a test, a personal challenge. YOU There is no such thing as an overnight transformation, but consider how long it took you to get to where you’re at now. The gratification you will feel after accomplishing this goal will far surpass any pleasure received from a late night ice cream binge. When you reach the end of this journey, you will be a stronger person for it.

Article Source : Do I Have To Eat 5x Per Day?_123316.aspx

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Joshua has been a fixture in the world of health and fitness for over 10 years.

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