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Why Custom Web Development is Preferred over Readymade Web Templates?

Posted On : Nov-07-2011 | seen (302) times | Article Word Count : 501 |

If you are planning to start a website, one of the dilemmas that you would face is whether to opt for custom web development or go in with readymade web templates.
If you are planning to start a website, one of the dilemmas that you would face is whether to opt for custom web development or go in with readymade web templates. While readymade templates reduce your development time and can also help in cutting cost, the advantages that custom website designing offers are unmatched. Just hire the services of a good web design company and you will reap huge benefits from your website. Still wondering why to opt for custom design solutions? Here are some of the advantages that it offers.

First and foremost you will have a unique website. From logo to the banner and color scheme to the structure, every element will be unique. One of the biggest problems using templates lie in the fact that the same design will be used by a number of websites and thus you won’t be able to develop a brand quotient. It will help you stay above the ordinary and connect with your visitors.

The functionality and features of your website will be custom developed according to your needs. You won’t have to use unnecessary features and plugins which accompany the templates. In addition you will be able to integrate certain plugins which complement your business in your
customized template.

Custom web design takes into account the needs of your business. You will have to keep updating your website to keep up with the changing technology. Using templates would mean you have to either compromise making these changes or go in for a new template all together.

The website needs to be coded well to meet your search engine requirements. Templates usually have a heavy code base which isn’t friendly to the search engine crawlers and also increases the load time of a website. With custom development you can use semantic coding techniques which will guarantee you better positioning in the search engine result pages or SERP.

Cross browser compatibility is another factor on which templates loose out to custom development. It is important that your website appears and functions uniformly across all platforms and custom development guarantees you that your site will appear the same in Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, Opera and Firefox.

When you hire a web design company for your website development you also get support services from them. In case of any bugs or virus attacks, it can be easily taken care of and your website will be restored back to normalcy in no time. Using templates denies you of such services in your hour of needs.

Hire the services of only the best web design company for your custom web development. The developers have to creative as well as innovative to develop a customized website. It is not merely about integrating a template with content management systems but foreseeing the business’ requirements and working accordingly. Every business is unique and has some niche requirements and the developers should be able to address these needs.

Article Source : Custom Web Development is Preferred over Readymade Web Templates?_100921.aspx

Author Resource :
Professional custom web design/development services by PixelCrayons, specializing in custom website design solutions & custom web application development solutions.

Keywords : custom web development, custom website designing, web design company,

Category : Internet Business : Web Design

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