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Why Aircraft Heater Preheat Isn’t Just Hot Air

Posted On : Apr-13-2015 | seen (201) times | Article Word Count : 595 |

Airplanes, no matter how old or small or streamlined, are complicated pieces of machinery that require a great deal of maintenance and care in order to run correctly. Investing in parts that are quality is not merely a luxury, but can also be a lifesaving choice.
Airplanes, no matter how old or small or streamlined, are complicated pieces of machinery that require a great deal of maintenance and care in order to run correctly. Investing in parts that are quality is not merely a luxury, but can also be a lifesaving choice. Whether winter is on the way, or you generally fly in the colder regions of the world, aircraft heaters can be just what your craft (and you) need to keep flying.

The Effects of the Cold on Your Craft

Although they are arguably some of the most powerful and incredible pieces of machinery in the world, airplane engines are still, in some ways, quite delicate. When the weather gets colder, or if you find yourself in more frigid climates, it’s important to know what effect the cold can have on the inner-workings of your plane, as well as what you can do to combat it. Cold air causes oil to congeal, which could clog your pipes and even cause your engine to malfunction. Lubricants will also become more viscous, which could cause a myriad of problems within your machine. Aircraft heaters are one way of ensuring that all of the fluids in your airplane are at the right temperature and consistency to perform their necessary functions.

Beyond your aircraft’s fluids, the electrical and mechanical systems of your plane, as well as delicate circuits, can become compromised as well. If your airplane’s battery is at a 25% or less, it will freeze at around 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Cold batteries take longer to charge, and the cold causes their chemical reactions to slow, making them more ineffective. In addition, condensation can make your display instruments difficult to read, and can affect the capabilities of cockpit knobs, selectors, and switches.

How to Combat the Effects of the Cold

The cold can be brutal, but there are still a variety of sensible steps you can follow to take the best care possible of your aircraft – from routine maintenance and checks, to installing quality sensors and aircraft heaters. Also, make sure that you’ve allowed your craft enough time to warm up properly before take-off. Starting an engine that has not been warmed up after having withstood cold weather can inflict the equivalent of 500 hours of cruise wear and tear, which could greatly shorten the life of your aircraft. You can also be extra attentive to your batteries, because a battery that is kept at 100% capacity is much less likely to be effected by the cold.

Availability and Economy of Aircraft Heaters

There are innumerable makes and models of aircraft in the skies right now, and there has never been a time where it is easier to find aircraft heaters that will suit your plane. Brand new ones can be found for very reasonable prices, or you can opt for refurbished models, or even rental ones if you want to be extra thrifty, but still keep your plane out of harm’s way. Whatever your means, there are options. For more information on aircraft heaters, click here.

The cold can be a dangerous place for anyone, and especially for aircrafts. But for either adventure or business, that is where many of you need to go. With the right kind of maintenance and care, your airplane can get you and yours safely to wherever you need to go – despite the elements. While just one of many steps that a responsible aviator should take, an investment in aircraft heaters can be a responsible choice.

Article Source : Aircraft Heater Preheat Isn’t Just Hot Air_316429.aspx

Author Resource :
John Trinh has been writing for 10+ years. He first delved into the world of writing when he wrote his first article for his university's paper. Since then, John has enjoyed writing about technology, business, Aircraft Heaters, marketing, and anything that he thinks he should write about.

Keywords : Aircraft Heaters,

Category : Business : Business

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