Who should consider breast augmentation?
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Your surgeon can only work with what you bring- your tissues (reality) and your expectations (desires). With respect to your tissues, one needs to assess the skin envelope (excess, tight or thin), the amount of breast tissue (small, moderate, large), the chest muscle (thin or strong), breast and chest dimensions, also looking for any asymmetry or chest deformity. From the desire point of view, does the patient want a minimal, proportional or an exaggerated augment.
Women generally choose to undergo a breast augmentation procedure for one of three reasons:
1) women in whom “nature missed a beat” during breast development, so either the breasts never fully developed or they are asymmetrical.
2) Women in whom “nature took its toll” during pregnancy and breastfeeding. These women usually end up with loss fullness in the upper breast or the breasts have sagged.
3) Women who would like to improve the appearance or shape of their breasts.
Reconciling desires with reality
Your surgeon can only work with what you bring- your tissues (reality) and your expectations (desires). With respect to your tissues, one needs to assess the skin envelope (excess, tight or thin), the amount of breast tissue (small, moderate, large), the chest muscle (thin or strong), breast and chest dimensions, also looking for any asymmetry or chest deformity. From the desire point of view, does the patient want a minimal, proportional or an exaggerated augment.
Breast implants
These should be viewed like “water balloons”. The shell is solid silicone and the filler can either be silicone gel or saline. Silicone gel is softer, pliable, moves and hangs naturally, while saline is stiffer and somewhat heavier. Remember that breast implants are not perfect, they don’t last forever, and they require some maintenance. If one can’t accept these facts, don’t have a breast augmentation. Breast implants are generally considered to last around 10-12 years but with present refinements, this may be even longer. Dr Papadopoulos says he always considers what he terms the four S’s when thinking of breast implant choices:
1)shape (round or teardrop)
2)shell (textured or sooth)
3)substance (silicone or saline)
4)size (wide range available)
Surgical options
Many different surgical options exist in breast augmentation but there are three key elements that are crucial says Dr Papadopoulos,
1)should the implant go over or under the muscle? The simple answer is if you are extremely thin (eg. if you ribs can be easily seen or felt), then you need to put the implant behind the muscle to assure adequate tissue cover of the implant. The benefits include prevention of implant edge visibility, decease capsular contracture (hardening) and better mammograms. The tradeoffs are distortion of breast shape, shifting implants to the side, less control upper breast fill, more stretch in lower breast tissue and risk upward displacement of the implant. If there is adequate soft tissue cover, then going above the muscle allows for a more natural look. The benefits include more cleavage control, upper breast fill and less distortion, while the tradeoffs are more difficult mammograms.
2)then select shape and implant size (the larger the implant, the more tradeoffs and risks you’ll encounter, especially long-term)
3)incision location is the least important (options include under the breast fold, around the nipple, under the armpit,or through preexisting scars or an abdominoplasty).
Dr Papadopoulos generally prefers the breast fold incision, as it leaves an almost imperceptible scar. He says about 90% of the time he will use a round, textured implant, because most women that he sees want upper pole fullness.
There is usually some mild swelling and bruising after the procedure and according to Dr Papadopoulos, simple analgesia is all that’s required for pain relief postoperatively. When the implant is placed under the muscle, the final result will be seen around three months, whereas when it’s above the muscle, it takes about a month. Remember, the more tissue trauma or stretch that occurs, the longer it will be the recovery time. Patients are usually off work between 4 to 14 days, and Dr Papadopoulos advises patients to refrain from any aerobic activities for up to 4-6 weeks. The patient should wear pressure bandages for the first day or two, then a sports bra for four weeks after surgery. Dr Papadopoulos says he sees his patients the day after surgery, then three weeks later, with further follow up visits at three months, a year and every two years thereafter. He informs them to come back anytime if they have a question or a problem. He also notes the importance of women carrying out regular breast self-examinations and the need for regular mammograms or ultrasounds (all need it preoperatively and 1 year post-operatively, then every 2 years > 40 years old). Dr Papadopoulos states that there is no problem following breast augmentation with sex, scuba diving and skydiving.
Dr Tim Papadopoulos, Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon
Cosmetic Culture
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http://www.articleseen.com/Article_Who should consider breast augmentation?_56713.aspx
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CosmeticCulture Plastic Surgery provides exceptional cosmetic plastic surgery - Breast Augmentation, breast enlargement surgery, breast implants plastic surgery from a trusted professional.offices, located at Lane Cove and Penrith, Sydney, represent the h
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breast enlargement, breast implants plastic surgery, cosmetic culture, plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, cosmetic surgeon,
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