Where is thy bowl? Capacitate to bear more & have as much as u want- Part-9
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Continued… you move towards that vacant seat placed outside the premises of that shopping mall; after occupying it and before its first sip you sight two small beautiful birds over the bark of a tree affront and immediately through instinctive behavior you celebrate a small joy within. They were two birds; and as the belief continue with most from their adolescent age in regard to sighting of small birds… one for sorrow, two for joy, three for a boy and four for a girl. It may be so that
Where is thy bowl? Capacitate to bear more & have as much as u want- Part-9
Last words as mentioned under Part- 8.
A strong within takes you towards that coffee shop window and there you place an order for a ‘coffee mocha’ and a muffin to eat as breakfast… holding your coffee and muffin you look around a place to sit… and there you sight one…
Continued… you move towards that vacant seat placed outside the premises of that shopping mall; after occupying it and before its first sip you sight two small beautiful birds over the bark of a tree affront and immediately through instinctive behavior you celebrate a small joy within. They were two birds; and as the belief continue with most from their adolescent age in regard to sighting of small birds… one for sorrow, two for joy, three for a boy and four for a girl. It may be so that different parts of the world assign sighting of three and four birds to other beliefs but as far as sighting one and two birds goes the belief is almost universal. That small festivity within relieves of your troublesome insight for a while and it allows you to enjoy the coffee with its due aroma instead of merely getting gulped within… When we immerse into every essence of any food at absolute ease the exercise to consume them transforms into a kind of meditative session… you and the substance develop a kind of oneness… aroma, the content, the cup, the place, the state of mind etc create a synergy that enables you afford an altogether view of those surrounds that generally are the part of any madding crowd in a busy city.
And as you enjoy that moment through coffee it reminds of your wife; this is a strange phenomenon that has traveled down upon this planet from some unknown extra terrestrial place; that whenever we enjoy anything; repeat anything then during those moments those who are dearest to our hearts surface into our awareness and we feel as saying… ‘We miss you’… that moment for very-very small joyous moment you deeply miss your wife (with whom there is always a tussle for every small once again. Before the coffee cup could arrive its 50% your state of mind recalls that stranger (envoy of opportunity).
You are able to see his image within your own self despite of eyes remaining open… this happens to be a remarkable magic amongst all that mostly goes unnoticed that we are able to see subjects or objects within even while keeping our eyes open… it for certain that all of us must have experienced it at number of times in our lives but since it always went unnoticed this extraordinary human potential has never been considered as a paranormal faculty. Through open eyes, sighting two different images at two different canvases, namely one that is affront (outside) and the other (within) that has come to the canvas of our memory or imagination though remains an ordinary event but is extraordinary in its nature. And through the same mode you are able to recall and sight the stranger (envoy of opportunity) while still maintaining an external gaze over the trunk of that tree that supported two small birds.
The image of the stranger comes in as a flash on your inside canvas and disappears but it reappears again… after making few intermittent flashes the image becomes stationary and you mind activates its thinking process upon the image and the moments spent with it… suspicion, strangeness, awkwardness etc cloud your mind initially but soon they are replaced by different set of thoughts such as remarkable ability to predict future event, able to see you through and through, offering hope and help to relieve you out of the terrible mess you are sailing through etc. and without any barrier your own in depth voices the need to meet that stranger once again. The urge to meet him once again has now strongly arisen within and it is able to nullify all negative or weakening thoughts.
Someone touches you over your right shoulder seeking you to slightly move ahead to accommodate this voice on the same seat… you turn your face towards that source of touch and voice and are flabbergasted to see; The envoy of opportunity stands over there. You rise to accommodate him… but this time the accommodation is extended from the seat to the seat of your understanding. You wait for the stranger to take the seat first and you follow later… before any talk you immediately propose the stranger for a cup of coffee that is duly acknowledged. You proceed towards the coffee shop window located outside the shopping mall and without any reason to seek his (strangers) choice an order for a medium Café latte is placed… with cups(you were yet to finish your cup) in hand you return towards the seat.
The coffee is offered and the stranger holds it with a smile on his face. You then speak the purity of your heart; “sir I should have taken your cell number”… the stranger responds… “Yes I gave it to you and probably you noted it down; that is why I am here today.” You are not able to digest his lines and exhibit a frown towards him and ask him… “I am sorry but I did not seek your number earlier”… your words moved with all respect therefore they ended making a bare sense. The stranger then reminds you about his last words; when he had marked before you that whenever you feel the need to meet me again just recall and observe my image and I shall appear before thee… His words create another blow of something strange inside your understanding… it happens so because in an ordinary sense no one shall accommodate or even easily comprehend the truth of communicating with others by merely recalling or observing some ones image… if all that was possible then why did the wise ones in this world spend amounts to establish networks of communication through land, sea and space that entail expenditure and efforts beyond any measure. At the light of speed the assessment goes within your mind but momentarily all is brushed aside on one single count that let it be explored as to how this strangely behaving stranger could bail you out of the terrible mess you are stuck into…
You immediately start working within the appropriate reason through which this stranger could be taken home with its complete notice to your wife… you are thinking and pat comes a suggestion from the stranger … ( To be continued) desire2will.com. Dinesh kumar (learning under discipline).
Article Source :
http://www.articleseen.com/Article_Where is thy bowl? Capacitate to bear more & have as much as u want- Part-9_97044.aspx
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Keywords :
annoyance, communication, complaints, concerns, conflict, depression, desire2will, dinesh kumar, failures, hope,
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Arts and Entertainment
Arts and Entertainment