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What to choose? Bridge or partial denture?

Posted On : Dec-17-2011 | seen (304) times | Article Word Count : 376 |

We should replace our missing teeth if there are. The reason is that the gap left by a missing tooth can mean greater strain is put on the teeth at either side. Dental Bunsen Rotatable Natural Gas Light Burner, kindling Tube and Working Tube work separately. They both have their own controlling system, it make this gas light save energy, and with single-tube and double-tube function. A gap can also mean your "bite" is affected, because the teeth next to the space can lean into the gap and alter
We should replace our missing teeth if there are. The reason is that the gap left by a missing tooth can mean greater strain is put on the teeth at either side. Dental Bunsen Rotatable Natural Gas Light Burner, kindling Tube and Working Tube work separately. They both have their own controlling system, it make this gas light save energy, and with single-tube and double-tube function. A gap can also mean your "bite" is affected, because the teeth next to the space can lean into the gap and alter the way the upper and lower teeth bite together. This can then lead to food getting packed into the gap, which causes both decay and gum disease. But what should we choose? Bridge or partial denture?

What is a bridge?
A bridge is a prosthesis that is fixed onto the teeth at the end of the edentulous space, which is also known as the abutment teeth. These abutment teeth are cut all around, removing around 1mm to 2mm of sound tooth structure, and also from the occlusal surface (the surface where we use our teeth to chew and grind our food).

What is a removable partial denture?
A removable partial denture is a prosthesis that sits into the edentulous spaces, and requires only minimal tooth preparation, sometimes none at all. Conserve materials and time! Quickly and easily mount pre-cast dental models with the high quality, lightweight Dental MagicArt-2 Articulator

What is the difference between bridge and removable partial denture?
Plastic partial dentures are less expensive to make. But unless they are designed very carefully they can damage the teeth they fit against. Metal partial dentures are usually from an alloy of cobalt and chromium and they are much stronger. They are lighter compared to make of Dental Magnetic Adjustable Big Articulator. It to wear and can be supported by the remaining teeth. Although the base is metal, they have gum-colored plastic and natural-looking teeth fixed to them. They are more expensive than the plastic ones.

What to choose? Bridge or partial denture?
Be guided by your dentist. He or she will know the condition of your remaining teeth. In most cases a metal-based partial denture gives the best result.

Article Source : to choose? Bridge or partial denture?_120337.aspx

Author Resource :
dental equipment
dental handpiece
dental supply

Keywords : Bridge, partial denture, Dental Bunsen Rotatable Natural Gas Light Burner, Dental MagicArt-2 Articulator, Dental Magnetic Adjusta,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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