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What to Know about Personal Injury Law in Florida

Posted On : Sep-08-2011 | seen (240) times | Article Word Count : 459 |

If you and/or someone you love have been injured because of another person’s negligence, recklessness or their intentional conduct, you do have legal rights and options that exist.
If you and/or someone you love have been injured because of another person’s negligence, recklessness or their intentional conduct, you do have legal rights and options that exist. These legal rights and options should be discussed with an experienced Florida personal injury attorney, as the laws regarding these situations can be extremely complicated for those who do not possess a legal background. Below is a brief introduction to how these laws tend to work in the state, but anyone who faces recovery from an injury should seek the help of experienced Florida personal injury lawyers as soon as possible.

The Potential Financial Decision
One of the most commonly thought of tenets relating to Florida personal injury law actually does not appear in the treatises you’ll find in the offices of Florida injury lawyers. It involves the financial reality of a Florida personal injury lawsuit that’s faced by a defendant. When these situations arise many defendants will review the costs of defending a legal action and compare it to the potential payout that would be made to settle a case. If it makes financial sense to avoid the costs of litigation, the defense could be open to working out a settlement with a Florida personal injury attorney in order to complete the matter.

The Elements of Proof
However, if it becomes necessary for Florida personal injury lawyers who are working a case to take that matter to trial, they will need to meet the elements of proof required in order to find the defendant liable. Specifically, Florida injury lawyers who handle these matters will need to show that:
5. A legal duty of care existed;
6. The defendant breached that duty;
7. The breach of that duty caused the injuries and damages suffered by the plaintiff; and
8. The plaintiff suffered damages as a result of the negligent conduct.

All of these elements must be proven within the boundaries and guidelines of Florida injury law, and an inability to prove any of these elements could lead to a finding of no liability on the part of the defendant. The best way to provide yourself with the best chance to successfully prove all of these elements is to make sure that a Florida personal injury attorney is on the case working towards that goal.

Overall, there is much involved with this area of law in the state. Those who have been injured and who need help obtaining a justifiable recovery should allow experienced Florida personal injury lawyers to help them move towards a favorable result. If this has happened to you or to someone you love, contact Bernstein & Maryanoff today to schedule a free initial consultation.

Article Source : to Know about Personal Injury Law in Florida_80668.aspx

Author Resource :
Neil Wilston is a professional blogger and article writer who is sharing his knowledge and information from past 7 years on Florida injury lawyers and injury issues. In his free time he loves to hang out with his wife and children.

Keywords : Florida Personal Injury Attorney, Florida Personal Injury Lawyers, Florida injury lawyers,

Category : Reference and Education : Legal

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