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What is up with Government Run Health Care

Posted On : Jun-11-2010 | seen (510) times | Article Word Count : 376 |

Check out this article to find out how the changes in government health care are going to effect you and also who they are going to benefit and who they may not.
Many people are wondering how a government run health care system will affect them and those in their immediate family. There are several groups of individuals who will be positively affected by the health care changes the way that the plan is currently written.

The first group will be students who would have been ineligible to maintain health insurance coverage under their parents' policy. The current health insurance plan would allow them to maintain insurance under their parents plan as long as they remain in school even if they are obtaining a graduate degree. This will serve as a major benefit to those in pursuit of higher education.

The next group that will be significantly aided by the nationalized health care plan will be those who are currently uninsured due to lack of employment and low income individuals and families. While some of these individuals are eligible for government assisted health care through Medicaid many are not and this plan would truly allow all of these individuals to attain the health care they need.

The third group of individuals that will be positively affected by the health care changes are those people who are currently ineligible for health insurance due to illness. This is perhaps the most controversial group but also the group that will most benefit from the current health care plan. The controversy surrounding adding this group to the health care plan has to do with the fact that this is a very high risk group. Under the current health care system they are ineligible due to the fact that they have pre-existing conditions but under the new health care plan pre-existing conditions won't exist and will allow everyone to obtain health care regardless of their current health status.

Although many healthy, employed Americans wonder how the new health plan will affect them, there are many benefits for several groups across the board. While they may feel that they are in a "safe" group that doesn't have to worry about unemployment issues or pre-existing conditions the fact remains that anyone may fall into one of these groups at any given time. Just because you are safe right now doesn't mean you won't need help at some point in the future.

Article Source : is up with Government Run Health Care_21851.aspx

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If you are searching for another health insurance agency you will have to check around first. You can get a ton of health insurance quotesnew online if you do some research.

Keywords : health, go health, health insurance, health insurance quotes, internet, plans, policies, medicine, medical insurance,

Category : Finance : Insurance

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