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What does your Office Space Say about you?

Posted On : Nov-26-2010 | seen (503) times | Article Word Count : 516 |

Do you have the best intentions of completing your work on time, only to find that, once again, you’re struggling to achieve organization and time management?
Do you feel underproductive? Do you have the best intentions of completing your work on time, only to find that, once again, you’re struggling to achieve organization and time management?

If so, it may not be the mid-day crash you’re experiencing. In fact, your office space in San Antonio may be squashing your creativity and draining your energy. In short, your office space in San Antonio may be sabotaging your productivity!

If your office space in San Antonio is not the creative or productive space you imagined, there are simple things to remedy this problem:

• Recognize that the same work space isn’t right for everyone – If your office space in San Antonio is a mirror image to all the other offices in your building then you could be missing the mark because not everyone will benefit from the same space, regardless of how organized and welcoming it is. When deciding on the reorganization of your office space in San Antonio, consider your typical workday. Do you handle marketing, administrative or creative projects? Do you handle on project at a time or do you find yourself juggling multiple projects at any given time? Your answers will largely depend on the flow of your office space.

• Don’t just look at your office space from one vantage point – Instead, take a walk around the office and examine it from every angle. This may allow you to rearrange your office space in San Antonio to better suit your work habits. In addition, make sure you are using the space in the most efficient way and not underutilizing certain areas.

• Make a “work circle” – This involves sitting at your desk, spreading your arms, and spinning around in a circle. Everything you need on a daily basis should be within reach of your outstretched arms. This will do wonders when it comes to increasing productivity and decreasing your stress levels.

• Clear off your desk – If you want to instantly feel overwhelmed and unproductive, try to get work done with a messy desk. Invest in a good, daily planner and rid the desk of scraps of paper and post-it notes; the only thing they will accomplish is a mess. Now may be the time to purchase all those cool, organizational items you see in office supply stores. Take a walk through one of these stores and discover all the fantastic ways you can organize while looking stylish.

• Make your storage make sense – When organizing, take into consideration the frequency of use in which you use certain materials. In other words, material you reference frequently should be at your disposal, while other materials can be stored elsewhere, preferably out of sight as to not overwhelm you or create the feeling of clutter.

• Use your window to your advantage – If you’re lucky enough to have a window for your office space in San Antonio, use it to your advantage! Instead of turning your back to natural light, let if shine in. Natural light does wonder for energy and mood levels.

Article Source : does your Office Space Say about you?_43198.aspx

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Keywords : Office space in San Antonio - Fort Worth office space,

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