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New Delhi,

What are the Different Types Of Cork Tiles

Posted On : Mar-15-2015 | seen (738) times | Article Word Count : 504 |

Cork tiles nowadays are being widely used. This is because many people have come to realize they are the best flooring. Even though they may be expensive the advantages with cork surpass other floor materials
Cork tiles nowadays are being widely used. This is because many people have come to realize they are the best flooring. Even though they may be expensive the advantages with cork surpass other floor materials. There are basically available two types of cork flooring currently in the market. These include the float cork and the regular cork tiles.

How to install regular cork tiles

Regular cork tiles are known to be the type of cork tile, which do not have a fitting groove on their sides.Cork flooring installationfor this type of cork floor is actually different. Before you can even go and purchase any cork tile, you want, you should first get to measure on the area for underlayment. If you are to install this cork tile by yourself, you may also need to order more tiles that even required so that you are sure you will not run out of it.

Cork tiles are just wood products and like any other wood product before being installed, they need to acclimate before you can install them. Once you have bought the cork tile, take them out of their box and let them sit in a room where you are to install them for at least four days. On the floor wherecork floor installationis to be done, make sure you smoothen it well. Smoothening can be done by sanding the area to remove any excess wood or concrete. If there is any hole, patching compound can be used to cover it. Before you can install, you should always make sure that there is nodebris over the surface.

Floating cork floor installation
Floating cork tiles are mainly used in a situation where the subfloor happens to be too damaged for a regular installation. Also floating installation may be use when moisture happens to be a factor and mostly with concrete floors. If the concrete floor is free from moisture, regular cork tiles can be used. When you are laying your tiles, make sure you start from the furthest end of the door. This is one big mistake many beginners make because of excitement. If you are using any underlayment, make sure that plywood is used but not any particle board or any kind of hardboard.

There are sometime that the house you want to do acork underlayment installationis an old house with wooden floor, which needs be removed. The highest chance is that wooden floor is made of asbestos, and this need be removed first before you begin your installation process. This asbestos may not be safe for you to remove them on your own so you should first call your local health department in order to check on the safety procedure. At most times, they do recommend that you consult a company which specializes in asbestos removal products. This may cost you a bit, but it’s cheaper than conducting cancer. With all this is mind, you can be able to do cork installation with easy using the simple procedures.

Article Source : are the Different Types Of Cork Tiles_314147.aspx

Author Resource :
Cork underlayment installation is considered one of the greenest products that add design and elegance to any home when used. Cork floor installation comes in panels, but you may choose the floor or board type of cork products.

Keywords : Cork underlayment installation, Cork floor installation,

Category : Home and Family : Home Improvement

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