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What Security Surveillance Can Do Besides Identifying Thieves

Posted On : Nov-15-2011 | seen (159) times | Article Word Count : 521 |

Security cameras are well known for catching thieves, but they are sometimes employed for other causes as well, some of which are purely entertaining.
Like all superheroes are well known for thrashing monsters, ghouls and goblins, and delivering justice to those who deserve, Surveillance camera systems, like a superhero is known for recording events which can help the men of law bring the wrong doers to book. With security cameras functioning at their best, all thieves, burglars, rapists, murders, shop lifters and kleptomaniacs have been thinking many times before extending their hands to some unlawful activity. Masks or, no masks, socks or, no socks . . . security cameras are known to record much more than what miscreants can expect. There was a time when thieves and thugs could mount pieces of cloth or, other things, to block the camera from viewing the criminal in action, but with the times of increasing population and decreasing size of electronics, cameras have been made more sophisticated and often remain hidden, so that they cannot be located by anyone.

There is no doubt about the fact that catching miscreants is the primary cause behind the installation of Video surveillance systems. No wonder it is usually prefixed with the term ‘security’. However, people always show their inclination of putting one thing to many uses, of which security may not take the cake. Security cameras are known for capturing video footages of anything that may be occurring in front of them, be it crime or, no crime. Thus when there is no crime happening, our superhero, the surveillance camera’ can indulge in the finer things in life, which we call, in very simple words, ‘entertainment’. How else do you think the TV shows that run on ‘funny things caught on tape’ work?

Catching up with your baby’s first words:

If you are a working parent, and have not enough time to spend with your baby who may be on the verge of saying its first word, you can put it in a crib with a surveillance camera perpetually on. Thus, even if you are not there in person to here what the little guy has to say, you can always have it on tape and have it recorded for life as well!

Catching up with your neighbor’s dog’s daily routine:

So you have been doubting that it is your nagging neighbor’s dog who has been digging holes in your lawn, while the latter has been evading the penalties because no one believes. The matter can be solved with a surveillance camera system. Of all things that are known to lie in the court of law, video footages are not one among them.

Catching up with people planning to kill themselves:

This may not sound as light hearted as the other odd things that security cameras do other than catching thieves, but video surveillance systems have been responsible for saving many people from taking their own lives. many have been spotted attempting to jump from buildings balconies, windows etc and have been saved in the right time. even those who try to throw themselves in to the railway tracks have been identified through surveillance and stopped from making such drastic moves.

Article Source : Security Surveillance Can Do Besides Identifying Thieves_104285.aspx

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Jhonthon Trot is a pro in reviewing the technical gadgets of new trends. Check out his views on the Security CCTV System or security cameras. Visit :

Keywords : Surveillance Camera Systems , Video Surveillance Systems,

Category : Computers : Software

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