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What Is the Future of SEO - Can Anyone Predict It?

Posted On : Dec-05-2011 | seen (152) times | Article Word Count : 690 |

The future of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is currently under question and pundits are trying to work out what it will mean in future. Everyone who has a website wants to get their pages and domain in the first 5 pages of Google's search engine and there are a lot of companies out there in Internet land which claim to be able to get your page more highly ranked in future. However, as no one, not even Google knows what will happen with SEO in the future, how can SEO companies work for you?
The future of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is currently under question and pundits are trying to work out what it will mean in future. Everyone who has a website wants to get their pages and domain in the first 5 pages of Google's search engine and there are a lot of companies out there in Internet land which claim to be able to get your page more highly ranked in future. However, as no one, not even Google knows what will happen with SEO in the future, how can SEO companies work for you?

That they can- or at least the reputable ones can, help your site climb in the Search Engine Rankings pages (SERPS) is not open to question; what everyone who has a site wants to now however is how to go about doing it for themselves. The answer seems to be that it is a time-consuming process, requiring you to spend hours online contacting other webmasters and finding ones who have similar, but not precisely the same interests as your. They also need to be highly ranked in the SERPS for this to do any good so you shouldn't waste your time with lowly ranked sites and their web hosts. SEO companies know what they are about and can do this much quicker than you can. They can also help with a myriad other details that will take you ages to work out for yourself.

It would seem that SEO is being consumer-led with big players such as Google following their demands. What visitors to sites want is interesting content and not just a sales pitch. They may be able to find the information they are looking for if they are prepared to search the web, but they want the information they need and fast. You therefore need to research your field and give them what they require which is interesting and original content which is comprehensive so that they visit your site when they want reliable information.

Blogging may be a way of getting more traffic to your site, and by that I mean acting as a guest blogger or just creating a one-off blog post. This gives you a firm anchor-link back to your site as well as getting you on a reputable site, perhaps a company with a news section which updates its blog postings regularly.

What you don't need is to buy thousands of links back to your site, most of which will not be at all relevant. SEO companies can provide you with links from reputable sites that are in your niche, so you have backlinks that are valuable. If you buy links these may get you more highly ranked in the SERPS for a short while, until they are discovered, and your site loses its higher page ranking because its reputation has become tarnished. Links that are not relevant to your site are penalized when you have thousands of them, and you will find your site lower than it was before in the SERPS.

A 2011 survey conducted by SEOMoz, showed that the most important factors for higher SERPS ranking were the quality and quantity of incoming links (note the emphasis on quality) along with the quality and quantity of incoming links to the domain that contains a particular page, and the use of key words in the main body of the text, title tags etc. Remember that over-stuffing a page with keywords has a negative effect on the page's rankings and 2 % of each keyword or phrase is the limit. Readers want readable material that is not repetitive.

The fact that no one can predict with any degree of accuracy what will happen to SEO does not mean that you should not keep up with the trends, and social bookmarking sites are valuable tools for sites and online marketers. A good SEO company will be able to steer you in the right direction and get you started with online marketing and site promotion using social networking, which is probably one of the key factors in the future of successfully promoting your site.

Article Source : Is the Future of SEO - Can Anyone Predict It?_114644.aspx

Author Resource :
Asher Elran the author says that web marketing including mobile marketing is just around the corner before everybody will have to participate or stay out of business. Web marketing that work with Seo company that delivery actual results is all you need, but we know that it’s hard to find. internet marketing company company that know true marketing and not using only static link building strategies is essential for SE

Keywords : Seo company, internet marketing company,

Category : Computers : Computers

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