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What Goes Up Is Likely To Stay That Way

Posted On : Nov-15-2012 | seen (490) times | Article Word Count : 649 |

When Sir Isaac Newton discovered the famous concept “what goes up, must come down”, it seems unlikely that he had been thinking closely about fuel prices.
Domestic Heating Oil Consumer Face Life on the Edge

When Sir Isaac Newton discovered the famous concept “what goes up, must come down”, it seems unlikely that he had been thinking closely about fuel prices. Perhaps in Newton’s day even heating fuel values could fluctuate but our modern reliance on fossil fuels, of all varieties, has led to a less than gravitational concept in which “what goes up will surely go up again”. With the annual autumnal fuel price hikes already causing controversy at governmental level, those who rely on oil fired central heating are no strangers to the concept of fuel poverty. Figures released by the watchdog Consumer Focus suggest that a million households, in England alone rely, on oil fired central heating and that the majority are already faced with fuel poverty. Fuel poverty is officially defined as those households who spend ten per cent, or more, on their domestic heating and for those off the (expensive) mains grid the problems are possibly most acute.

Cold Comforts

While much of the UK, and certainly the major towns and cities, are supplied by mains gas, remote, rural areas are normally reliant on alternative forms of domestic central heating. Traditional reliance on coal fired systems has dwindled and has largely been replaced by oil central heating boilers. The problems with any off-grid solution, in any location, are storage and delivery. In winter months both can pose additional problems. With Consumer Focus warning of the usual seasonal price hike, fuel poverty poses some very specific problems for those living away from the mains. The simple fact is that during the winter delivery times can be much longer – and during bad weather can be completely disrupted. Those relying on domestic oil fired central heating will clearly remember recent winters in which blocked roads quickly translated into cold rooms as consumers attempted to ‘manage’ what was left in the tank. For this reason alone it pays to stock up early with plenty of oil.

Buy now, Pay now

Advice by both the watchdog and the government largely ignores the fact that price of heating oil may already be a reason to put off buying in extra winter stock for some households. However, the advice is certainly worth considering. Buying at the current heating oil prices may well make sense to avoid the peaks in price when demand is at its highest and deliveries at their most unreliable. Thankfully, for oil customers, there is one other way to cut the cost.

Clubbing Together

Oil clubs are becoming increasingly common as households band together to take advantage of bulk purchase prices. The concept of bulk purchasing power is widely used in business. In the case of domestic heating oil it makes perfect sense for both consumers and domestic oil suppliers. Bulk purchasing allows consumers to buy at a reduced rate per unit, making the cost of winter oil much more affordable while for the suppliers it guarantees regular large orders and limits delivery rounds and the associated costs.

Further Advice and Info

For more information on how to join, or form an oil club, the Citizens Advice Bureau has an excellent page with a register of UK clubs and information on forming a club if there is not one nearby. In addition, local authorities (especially in rural areas) may also have a local register or be able to offer help for those establishing new clubs. Those living in remote locations are used to planning ahead for winter and joining an oil club may help to make the cost of living that little bit more affordable this winter – whatever the weather.

With the prices of heating oil placing many families living in rural England in fuel poverty, householders are clubbing together to take advantage of the lower costs associated with bulk purchasing.

Article Source : Goes Up Is Likely To Stay That Way_234983.aspx

Author Resource :
James Charles is a frequent contributor for Fuelfighter and has written many articles pertaining to all things regarding domestic heating oil, energy saving tips especially on such subjects as making the best of your precious boilerjuice for your heating requirements.

Keywords : Boilerjuice, heating oil prices, boiler juice, heating oil, kerosene, domestic oil prices, home heating oil prices, kerosene ,

Category : Home and Family : Home and Family

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