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What Can Solid State Drives Do?

Posted On : Dec-16-2010 | seen (522) times | Article Word Count : 568 |

Solid state hard drives are dependable and high performance drives that are designed to work under intense pressure and force. The drives are compact and effective in keeping the data safe.
Solid State Drives are special kind of memory drives, which do not have any moving objects. These drives are smarter than the platter based hard drives that are used in home desktops. The platter based drives have spinning disk with a moving head and they are comparatively slow. How Solid State Drives are different from the normal platter based hard drives used in the desk top computers? A SSD offers high dependability and shows impressive performance than the hard drives that are used in normal desktop computers. If you use the normal platter based hard drives extensively for continuous use, the results are not reliable, but this is not the case with solid state drives.

The solid state drives have been extensively used for military, defense and other sensitive organizations that deal in high levels of confidential information and therefore demand supreme levels of dependability. Ideally put, solid state hard drives are good for use in many field and mobile devices, since they do not contain any mechanical parts and show quick performance. Talking of today’s scenario, you’d find common use of solid state drives laptops, net books and high capacity MP3 players, simply because they are compact and show good performance, unaffected even after continuous use for hours. Moreover, a solid state drive will not make any noise and are reliable than the mechanical drives otherwise used in the computer. Another equally important and worth mentioning benefit of the drive is that it consumes less of power and this would automatically mean improved battery life and long hours of working in mobile devices. During the days when solid state hard drives were just introduced in the computer hardware market, their prices were quite high and it was difficult for average computer buyer to afford them. However with times, as the competition grew in this sector, new manufacturers ventured in the production of the special hard drives and now the prices have come down phenomenally, and these have become affordable.

The drives have their own limitations too. If we talk of real performance of SSD their performance continues to fall as there’s substantial increase in the rewrites. This will make the accessibility of data slow, therefore making them perform slowly after a period of time. The drives have limited storage capacity. Manufacturers are working incessantly on the very concept of hybrid drives where solid state hard drives will be used as buffers in the large mechanical drives.

The two best examples of SSD available in the market are Intel X25-E, which is an extreme SSD and OCZ Vertex EX OCZSSD2-1VTXEX120G 2.5" 120GB SATA II SLC SSD, which offers smart integration, high performance and blinding speed. Intel X25-E comes with 64GB single-layer cell storage which gives user the advantage to write the data quickly and moreover, the drive is capable of running consistently at 100 megabytes per second. With increasing popularity of solid state drives, it will not be wrong to say these special drives will flood the computer hard ware market and replace platter based hard drives. What’s more, the prices of these drives are falling and that have come in affordable category of hard drives that can be bought without putting financial burden on the users. Time is not far off, when solid state drives will be used in every desktop computer, without affecting the overall price range of desktop computers.

Article Source : Can Solid State Drives Do?_45150.aspx

Author Resource :
Sachin Mishra is associated with MemoryTen. It is one of the most visited sites for Solid State Drives, computer memory. It was established in 1995 and specializes in memory upgrade for Apple memory, laptop memory and other like batteries, hard drive, network transceiver. Kindly visit

Keywords : Solid State Drive, Hard Drive, solid state drives SSD, SSD, solid state hard drives,

Category : Computers : Hardware

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