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Weirdest Requests of London Escorts' Clients

Posted On : Aug-24-2011 | seen (345) times | Article Word Count : 507 |

At times clients can come up with the weirdest request for their escorts which are sometimes funny and at times really horrifying.
Living a life of an escort can sometimes be a daunting task especially when it comes to satisfying the weirdest requests that some escorts’ clients make. Some can make them laugh; some cry while some can really be life threatening. However how to handle these request is the art that an escorts needs to know as it depends on how she would fulfil them. Will she accept them or reject them is her choice as she is the one who plays the part of fulfilling those weird requests. Here are some of the weirdest requests of escorts’ clients.
Making it out in snow
It is snowing and freezing outside, and you have an appointment with a client but this may not be your lucky day as this client is one of weird ones who love to do it in the open especially when it is snowing. If you are a tough escort or a person with lots of heat then you may not mind it, but if you are one who hates snowfall then you are going to have a tough time.
Play mother and child and vice versa
Yet another weird request; where the guy wants his escort to be his mother who beat him when he does not listen to her. This client wants his escort to spank him as hard as she can. The escort may really enjoy doing this as it may be a real stress buster for her especially if she’s had a bad day but if these roles were interchanged then the escort had it.
Walking on broken glass or fire
The world has many weirdoes; some are funny while some sadistic. Walking on broken glass or fire is one of the weirdest requests an escort can get and according to me should not be attempted unless you like to torture yourself. You may be get good money for this, but remember that all may go in healing the burns and cuts and could in turn cost you more loss.
Playing the shooting at me game
Playing the shoot at me game (where the client and escort shoot at each other turn by turn)with just one bullet is the most weirdest and dangerous request that an escort can get. There have been many deaths reported due to these kinds of games. Such clients are not only weird but also need medical help as they may have some psychological issues. Escorts need to be aware of them and report the incident immediately to the cops or their escort agency as it could be life threatening. Asking a male escort to dress like a female, playing the part of a waiter or waitress, cooking a meal, cleaning the backyard, taking care of kids, cleaning the dog house, bathing client’s dog, etc are some other weird requests that escorts get from their clients. The list of good and horrifying weird requests can actually go on and on however these were some of the weirdest which I have ever heard.

Article Source : Requests of London Escorts' Clients_76216.aspx

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The article is provided by Bubbles escorts agency of London - read more interesting posts about the life of escorts on its blog dedicated to all the questions related to courtesans.

Keywords : London escorts, escorts,

Category : Arts and Entertainment : Arts and Entertainment

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