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Weight Loss Solution Basics

Posted On : Nov-04-2011 | seen (202) times | Article Word Count : 1033 |

When we think of weight loss, many of us get overwhelmed by all the things we think we are supposed to do and follow. These rules if you will, make what can be very simple seem very complicated. As a result, most plans fail. With studies showing that over two thirds of the American population being considered overweight or obese, many know they need to take action.
When we think of weight loss, many of us get overwhelmed by all the things we think we are supposed to do and follow. These rules if you will, make what can be very simple seem very complicated. As a result, most plans fail. With studies showing that over two thirds of the American population being considered overweight or obese, many know they need to take action. Many try to choose the easiest route possible only to end up disappointed and frustrated with less than good results. Weight control does not have to be difficult or frustrating. It does however need some effort of the part of the person wanting to see results. How much effort and determination you put forth will indicate the level of your success.

Before anyone can really see the results of any weight loss program, they need to be in the right mindset. It is one thing to eat right and exercise but, if you feel you will not succeed in your journey to weight loss, then you won’t. It is that simple. You want to know that you are going to succeed and visualize yourself at that said goal or fitness level. Being healthy by choice and not by obligation, will show more lasting results. Getting in the right mindset helps and will motivate you to make the necessary choices needed to reach your weight loss goals.

Once you have cleared your mind of distractions and doubts, it is time to begin looking at the basics fundamentals of a balanced diet. That after all, is one of the key components to a healthy lifestyle and essentially weight loss. When looking at a healthy diet and what it entails, we come to subject of water intake.

Water is essential to every cell in your body. I’m sure you have heard this before but, it aids in more than just hydration. Water keeps you full and prevents overeating as well. Many times, we believe we are hungry when indeed our bodies are thirsty. So aside from drinking water, look for foods rich in water content. Fruits are an excellent source of water content. Some include watermelons, apples and oranges.

Now that you have more water coming into your diet, take a look at the whole foods you are putting into your body. Food is fuel and your choices make a big difference in your body’s performance. As a general rule, you want to steer clear from foods with a high fat content. Not only will this be beneficial to health of your heart, you will also have more energy and vitality.

When we do choose foods that are high in fat content, our bodies pay the price for it .
Many of the “fast foods” out there have a high amount of saturated fat when they are deep fried. Many desserts are in this category of foods to stay away from as well. They all often include heavy amounts of sugar, salt and other additives that reek havoc on our bodies causing us to feel sluggish along with weight gain.

Incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables in our diets is easy. Vegetables like fruit, also contain large amounts of water. When eating vegetables, our bodies have to also work to digest these low calorie foods. The more you eat of them, the more satisfied you will feel and the more weight you will loose. There really is no end to the amount of fruits and vegetables you can eat in a day. Keep one thing in mind though, it is best to eat these foods in their natural state. Raw and uncooked. Loading broccoli with ranch dressing only counter acts what you are trying to accomplish. These foods also contain far more fiber than the “fast food” choices out there. When choosing these foods first, you will find yourself, loosing weight, having more energy.

If you really want to see results, exercise is still of vital importance to your success. With regular exercise, you will find yourself not only loosing weight but, you will see your body become more toned. Exercising will allow you to burn more calories and prevent and increase in weight gain. This doesn’t have to be a chore. Do something that you find enjoyable. There any many different forms of exercise. Do however try to get at least 20 minutes of aerobic exercise in daily. This is said because, it takes about 20 minutes for your body to start releasing the glucose that is in your bloodstream. After you have reached this time block, your body will then look for another source. That is wear the fat burn comes in. Your body will then resort to stored fat for it’s fuel. Hence, you will loose fat when you exercise for more than 20 minutes a day.

Again, choose things you enjoy such as walking, biking, swimming. These are low impact and a good way to get started especially if you have not been in an regular exercise routine in a while. When your body becomes more familiar with this kind of movement on a regular basis, you can then feel safe to challenge yourself and try a brisk walk or a light jog. Either way, eating right and moving your body daily will help you to accomplish your weight loss desires.

Sometimes, it is beneficial to have a friend, family member or life coach in on what you are trying to accomplish. Allow yourself to be accountable for letting this individual know what you have done that day. In turn, when you hold yourself accountable for your own actions, you strive for better results. You then challenge yourself and are easily kept on the right track.

Article Source : Loss Solution Basics_99994.aspx

Author Resource :
Dr John is a native New Englander. He was born and raised in

Cambridge, Massachusetts surrounded by a big italian family. While growing up

sports was his main passion. If he didn’t have a baseball glove in his hand then it

would probably be a hockey stick. Thankfully his mom knew that sports was a good

activity for kids so she supported him fully and she never missed a game or practice.
Healthy By Choice Coaching

Keywords : weight loss coaching, weight loss solutions,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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