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Web Design-How to design a targeted website?

Posted On : Jul-15-2011 | seen (644) times | Article Word Count : 616 |

A good website design with keyword rich appealing content has power to retain the customer and attract more and more traffic.
Have you ever wondered why my competitor website is best and why it attracts more traffic than your site? The reason is that your competitor website is more focused and targeted in nature than your website. Targeted website is the most crucial part of day to day business dealings for an online businessman. These businessmen understand the importance of targeted traffic better than others. These are the 5 important working aspects of a targeted website:

Website strategy: First step towards website design is outlining the strategy of a website. Identify the purpose and objective of your website. The objectives of the website should be synergetic with the industry you are focusing on. Always put yourself into the customer’s shoes to decide what their requirements are and how you can fulfill them. The more focused and targeted your website is there are chances of customer returning to you again and again. You need to focus on your competitive edge over other rivals.

Content is the king: Content is the most important element of any website design. Designs can only capture the visitor whereas good website content retains the customer. Customers are mostly attracted to sites which give them quality content. Quality content doesn’t means long boring contents to prove your point rather it means keyword rich relevant terms which are equally loved by customers and search engine spiders. Along with keyword rich content the website should also retain its appeal. Information update is another important thing because the net users love to have latest information at their fingertips. A good website design with keyword rich appealing content has power to retain the customer and attract more and more traffic.

Website layout: According to a famous proverb “A picture is worth a thousand words”. This proverb can be tactfully utilized by Website designer while developing a website. The good website design has capacity to retain the visitor because human beings are basically virtual beings. The website layout and tactful presentation of contents should go hand in hand to create a targeted site. The visual appreciation is necessary part of any good website design because it addresses the issue of boredom. The website designer should use relevant graphics to highlight important points. For e.g.: Use of star busters in advertisements to announce recent offers or discounts.

User Friendly website interface: A website should always be designed keeping the end user in mind. So it’s important to make a website as user friendly and simple as possible. Many times complex website interface with attractive website layout and useful content kills the purpose because people leave the site once they realize that they are facing problem with the navigation. In this way you may turn off the potential customer, so always keep in mind that a customer always favours user friendly website interfaces. A website designer should always choose user friendly and simpler website design. The navigation should be simple and reliable.

Visibility: Visibility is the most important feature of a website. The website which is difficult to be reached out via search engines or advertisements is like a needle which is difficult to be found once it falls in an ocean. The goal of your website should not be attracting highest possible number of visitors instead; it should be attracting highest number of target visitors who may try out your services.

The search engine visibility has become most important criteria for a successful website post web 2.0 era. It is the responsibility of the web designer to build search engine friendly websites. So visibility is the crucial factor to build a successful website.

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Article Source : Design-How to design a targeted website?_66650.aspx

Author Resource :
Sigma InfoTech an Australian based Website design, Website Development firm specialising in Web Design, graphic design, Software Development, Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation helps to remain high in the search engines and with it any of the sites can achieve the desired goal of influencing profits.

Keywords : Design, Web Design, Website Design, Web Designer, Website Designer, Web Design Sydney, Web Page Design, Search Engine Optimis,

Category : Computers : Software

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